Page 37 of All Your Fault
“Surely you don’t threaten to beat up your teammates over a girl you don’t love?”
I roll my lips in and process his words. “I’ll apologize to you and the team but not to him. He doesn’t deserve an apology.”
He mulls it over and presses his fingers to his temples. “Listen, I know he’s a less than stellar teammate, but he does have a few guys that will back him up. This better not split our team. You have the ability to go the majors. Is that your goal?”
“Sure.” People expect you to want to go professional when you play a sport, and I did when I was eighteen and nineteen years old. But the percentages aren’t on a collegiate player’s side. I have no idea if that’s what I want because I have firsthand knowledge of how much time players spend away from their families. I used to sit and draw buildings wherever we were—stadiums, skyscrapers, the drug store and I’m loving my structural engineering class.
“If you don’t love her, don’t let a girl and her ex stand in your way. You can’t play if you’re suspended from the team.” He pauses and it seems like he’s staring into my soul. “If you do, then keep going to bat for her.”
We sit in silence as I watch the digital clock on the wall change minute after minute. Is he done? Does he want me to figure out right now if I love her?
Adalee pushes my buttons, and it makes me want her more, but is that love? I loved Julia. I said I did anyway. I was torn up when she cheated but was it love or wounded pride? Probably both.
Coach watches me with a slight grin on his face until he clears his throat. “I have to punish you. Chaz didn’t retaliate so he’s in the clear, but I’ll keep a close eye on him. Chatham, you’re going to be on clean up duty for team meals this week. You’re in luck, there’s only two this week.”
“Yes, sir. Is that all?”
He stands and extends his hand. “Yeah. I’ve done a little homework and found out she’s a gymnast here. That’s going to be tough finding time being together in a couple of months.”
I shake his hand. “One day at a time, Coach. I promise it won’t interfere with baseball again.”
“Alright, get out of here. And Chatham, good job hitting the ball today,” Coach says as he replaces his hat on his head.
As soon as I exit his office, I check my phone for messages. Zero messages. Did I just get in trouble over a girl that can’t make up her mind?
Last night, I’ve never felt so at peace, like I could watch her facial expressions forever. Not just when she’s pleasuring herself but God that was hot. And I didn’t see any of it. Why did I say don’t show me? That sounds like I’m a goody two shoes.
When I get to the house, I make an early dinner while Joe and I wait for our roommates to get home from their film session. Simple spaghetti and meatballs. My mom taught me to make a few dinners so that I wouldn’t eat out all of the time. I try to eat healthy and give myself a couple meals a week so I can have fried food and not feel guilty about it. I love the local chicken place and they have a place on campus.
“So what did Coach say?” Joe asks.
“Nothing much. Just gave me some things to think about. I’m on clean up at team meals,” I say noticing how my chest tightens up. I open up the fridge and Adalee’s face appears in my mind. It reminds me of when I blocked her in and how passion swelled in her chest and eyes.
“Ginger said Adalee was absolutely giddy this morning. Said she’s never seen her like this, not even with Chaz.”
“What do you meannoteven with Chaz? Is he a better catch than me?” I wink at Joe. “Grab the napkins.”
I reach in the bamboo cabinets, pulling out five plates. I only confirmed to Joe what Ginger already told him. Obviously not telling him that she did a little self-care herself on our video call.
He squeezes my shoulder. “It’s going to be fun double dating and hanging out.”
“It is.” I can’t remember being this happy since I was twelve years old and hit a home run in the Little League World Series.
Ginger demandswe go the mall while Hagan and Joe are at practice. She’s absolutely giddy that we’ll be double dating all the time. Doubt creeps into my thoughts—are Hagan and I—a couple?
I spend all of my disposable income on a new outfit: a long sleeve ivory colored dress and a pair of black ankle booties. I take off the black clunky brace so I can try them on. Ginger finds me a pair of gold chandelier earrings in a different store which draws attention to my face.
I plop down in the a round chrome chair with absolutely no padding while Ginger seeks out the perfect lipstick in Sephora. “Who knew shopping was exhausting? It’s like we’ve been training for hours.”
Three times, I tell her I love the color but three times, she puts it back in place. She’s insistent on having lips that don’t fight her hair color. After she finally decides on one, we check out and head to eat.
My legs ache from overuse which never happened until I suffered two injuries back to back. The high ankle sprain and the dreadedfalling for the transferACL tear.
Umm. Where’s my usual disdain for Hagan when I think about that night?