Page 73 of All Your Fault
Did he hear me? Hagan?
“Okay, I’ll be back early. Oh, Mr. Danke. Hagan asked me to give this to you.” I hand him the card, and he takes it from my hands, reading it as he walks down the hall.
Before I leave, I peek through Ginger’s door, and her parents are asleep on the couch and Ginger’s snoozing. It doesn’t surprise me because earlier the doctor said they would give her something to sleep.
I walk out and then realize that Hagan drove here. I don’t know the code to start his car. It’s the middle of the night, and I don’t want to call a car service.
Me:Can you give me the code to your car so I can drive it home?
Hagan:Archer will pick you up. Please don’t drive home.
Me:Okay, none of this is your fault.
No response.
* * *
The next morning,I text Hagan, still no response. Maybe he’s at the hospital. I drive over there and go straight to Ginger’s room to admit what my father did to her and Joe. I take a huge breath before I open her door.
“Addy Bug.”
My stomach is empty, not having eaten since Sunday morning, but whatever is in there threatens to come up. I choke it down. “Hey. How are you feeling?”
She looks to her parents. They nod.
“Better today. They said Joe is doing well too. He’s having new tests done this morning. His dad said they have the top neurosurgeon on this side of the Mississippi.” Ginger grins. Her effervescent personality percolating.
“What’s his name?”
“Dr. Newcastle. He’s from the Cleveland Clinic.”
I smile, even though I know that’s not the name that was on the card that I handed to Mr. Danke. “I need to tell you something. My dad was the person that ran into you and Joe.”
Her mom says, “Honey, we know. It was on the news, and your father came in and told us the whole story.”
I’ve aways been strong on the outside but Mrs. Chatham made me believe I was strong on the inside too, but I’m not. My eyes dart around the room. “Ging, do you hate me? Hagan? We’re so sorry.” I fall apart when I should be comforting her.
“Come here. It was an accident, and you’re my bestie on and off the mat.” I can’t believe the compassion coming from her. She hugs me. “Joe will pull through, and we’ll go back to double dating and letting the guys cook for us.”
She’s putting on a brave face. Maybe Hagan was wrong about Joe’s condition. But why would a doctor lie to him and give him his card?
“Has Hagan been here this morning?” I ask knowing how pitiful I sound.
“No and Joe isn’t allowed visitors except for his parents. Evidently, Hagan lied to them telling him he was Joe’s brother.” She smiles. “Hagan and Joe hit it off immediately. They’ll be best friends for life.” Ginger exudes positivity. She knew she would have Joe one day. All those games we attended last year, she never gave up. And she got her man.
“They’re letting me out today. Do you think you could stay at Hagan’s while my parents are here for a few days?” she asks.
I tuck my lips and lie. “Umm, sure. I’ll figure it out.” I can’t tell her we haven’t spoken since last night. The same kind of lie Hagan did to me. A lie of omission. “Listen, I’ve gotta go see my dad. Thanks for not hating me.”
If Joe doesn’t make it, she’ll change her mind about Hagan and me. She’ll won’t want to be around either of us.
My dad’s been discharged so I take him to the hotel where he was supposed to stay the night. Hagan set him up with a suite. He said he would stay until he knows Joe pulls through. Whatever Hagan said to him worked. Why didn’t I talk to Dad about our grief and what I needed from him? I ask if I can stay with him while Ginger’s parents are at my apartment and he agrees. Hopefully, it’s just a day or two.
“Dad, I need to run to class, then I’m going to the apartment to get some clothes.” He waves me out.
I have my dad back. He still loves me, and I owe it all to Hagan. Before I go get my man, I run to each of Hagan’s classes, hoping to see him, but I really didn’t expect him to be there. I give both of his professor’s information on what happened. Tomorrow is our engineering class and, our project is due on Thursday.
I’m on my way to Hagan’s when I get a text.