Page 36 of A Hero in Hiding
“Yeah, and then once you become a hero, it… it’s like fun is an illegal word,” August says. “But then I met Landon and I realized that it really didn’t need to be one. So… any time we meet up for SAVCGEM, you might as well join us.”
Lex grins as he looks over at the pool where my mom is watching my father float. Any time he floats close enough to her, she puts a foot on his back and pushes him under just a little bit. “I like the sound of that.”
Once we’re outfitted in swimsuits that cost far too much (good thing stupid six-year-old me robbed so many banks), we head up the steps to the very top of the slide. We’d kept our masks on (and Lex his fishnets) to try to keep from being recognized for as long as we possibly could in order to enjoy the slides just like anyone else.
At the top, there are two options, a single-person slide where you go down without an innertube or a four-person one that the three of us climb into. The staff member gives us a push and the large innertube takes off, flying down the slide. August and Lex are laughing as they cling on desperately and I find myself loving every minute of it. God, how can something that’s not just sitting in my house, hiding from my family, and reading a book be so damn delightful?
We hit the bottom and immediately decide to go back up again and try the other slide.
“Honestly, I’m just amazed you’re using your own legs to go up these stairs,” August says.
“I think you broke me the other day when you drowned me in a gigantic lake and made me run from serial killers.”
“Hold on… I feel like I missed something quite exciting,” Lex says.
August rolls his eyes. “It was a pond, and they weren’t serial killers.”
Lex grins as he shakes his head. “No, no, Landon’s likely right. I actually heard it was the ocean.”
“It was!” I say. “Did I tell you mybookgot murdered?”
“Not the book!” Lex teases.
“It didn’t matter that people were hunting us down, putting monetary targets on our heads, and we were getting shot at—we had to replace the book that got damaged. And we couldn’t send someone else in to get the book because there might be the most miniscule scratch that an untrained specialist wouldn’t have seen,” August says.
“Just stop your sass and go down the damn slide,” I growl.
August hurries off while laughing and I follow after him as soon as the employee lets me. As the three of us meet up at the bottom, we’re swimming away when I hear a scream.
I automatically assume it’s someone from the SAVCGEM trying to get something for free when I look up the slide to find my very own brother halfway down, hanging from where his cape got caught. Thankfully, he’s invincible, so a bit of strangling does nothing but delight me.
“I told him not to go down with that on!” a poor employee cries as Brandon dangles there, flip-flopping around like a fish as he tries to pull it free.
“Landon! Landon!” Brandon shouts as he catches my eyes. I quickly avert them.
“You guys hear anything?” I ask.
“I’m not sure I do…” Lex says.
“Landon! LANDON!” Brandon yells louder.
“Oh! Hey, buddy! How’s it hanging?” I ask.
“Ha ha! Hanging! Ha ha! Oh wait. Landon, I need help!”
An employee slides partway down the slide to try to help him but slips on the wet surface and ends up careening down until he slams ass first into Brandon. It does nothing but tighten the cape’s hold on Brandon.
“Landon!” he calls.
“I can’t hear you! Use your sign language!” I shout back.
He looks enlightened and starts miming a whole bunch of shit that makes absolutely no sense.
“How long are you going to let him hang for?” August asks.
“I don’t know… I was thinking at least a few more minutes to an hour, but the employees look a little miserable,” I say.
August laughs. “They do, don’t they?”