Page 5 of A Hero in Hiding
“Oh! August, I had an idea the other day. You know how they make a calendar every year of you in different poses? I was thinking we should do one with you naked. We wouldn’t even have to work another day in our lives. We’d be rich.”
“I love you enough that I am more than willing to give you just about everything you want, Landon, but not that.”
There are a coupletskswith that one. Clearly, this crowd has taste.
I choose a couple of books then see one that my brother Nolan loves and grab the newest in the series before making my way over to August who proceeds to hold my books for me. Zacia doesn’t think it’s enough weight, so she jumps to the top of the pile and begins to groom her paw adorably.
I pick up my phone and snap a picture of them because I absolutely love it when my two favorite beings look cute together.
“So… Valerie wanted me to talk to you,” August starts.
“She thought that you’d possibly listen to me even though I informed her that you are a very… independent man who will choose to do what he wants.”
This man clearly gets me.
“I will listen just because I enjoy the sound of your voice, but that’s it.”
“She’s hoping that you’ll wear the suit she made for you.”
“It’s orange. Do I look like a man who’d wear orange? She’s trying to make me look like a pumpkin. Do you want to fuck a pumpkin, August?”
“I mean… those mouth holes do look inviting,” he teases.
I grin at him. “You know someone’s recorded that and it’ll be all over the internet by tomorrow.”
He shrugs. “Don’t worry, Valerie catches all of that and goes to their homes and threatens their lives.”
“I hate it when she does things that make me like her more. Anyway. Is the suit the only thing? Tell her I will wear something if I’m all in black. I want it like a condom where it covers all of me. Wait! No, I want it so there’s a hole on the tip so my hair is spilling out and two eye holes; the rest will be all black latex.”
“Okay… if that’s what my babe wants, I guess that’s what he gets.”
I grin as I find another book before wandering over to the graphic novels. Since it’s across the store and I don’t feel like picking up my books, I just levitate August’s chair, books and all. He yelps and starts grabbing things in surprise as I take him with me to the other side of the store. Zacia is as cool as a cucumber as she digs her nails into August’s shoulder to keep from tumbling off.
“I can walk.”
“That sounds stupid,” I say as I reach the section I want and put him down. He shrugs and sinks back into the chair, telling me he’s enjoying it. “What about graphic novels? You think you’d like them?”
“Yeah, I’ve enjoyed some in the past.”
“Perfect,” I say as I gather up some more that he wears beautifully. “I love bookstores, did you know that?”
“I never would have guessed,” he says with a smile.
Thankfully, August has super strength to carry my pile of books to the counter where I check out.
“Do you want me to carry those?” the cashier asks. I’m pretty sure the books weigh more than her, so the idea of her hefting them out to the car amuses me more than it should, but August declines the offer before I can.
* * *
August moved in with me full time about two months ago. Before that we’d spent almost every night together, so it really didn’t seem to matter that we were technically living separately. The hardest part was convincing Valerie to let me move him into my home since she claimed I got it through nefarious means. I didn’t bother denying that but did explain to her that August should live in luxury, which he now does in my mini mansion. I think she also hated the idea of having to hire enough movers to move all my books so much that she just caved.
He loves it. That’s all that matters.
“So… these books go on your unread bookshelf, right? The bookshelf overflowing with books?” he asks.
“I feel like you’re being sassy but yes. These ones are shinier, obviously, so I needed more.”