Page 9 of A Hero in Hiding
“No,” I say.
Hannah hesitates. “Ah? Keeping us in the dark, I see.”
“No,” I repeat.
Of course she isn’t deterred. She’s been in this business too long. “You two make the greatest couple. Now tell me, are those wedding bells I hear?”
“No, I think a ringing in the ear is a medical condition called tinnitus,” I say. “You should get that checked out.”
August bites his lip, clearly struggling to remain professional for some reason. Hmm… maybe I can get him to break out of it after all.
“Ah ha! You’re so funny, Leviathan,” Hannah says.
“Aw, thank you. I know. I’m hilarious.”
She shifts her attention to August. “Chronobender, don’t you ever get afraid that this is all a hoax? I mean… Leviathanisa villain, after all. Who knows if he’s planning something.”
August seems startled by the question, and I’m ready to flick her off the stage with just a glance. Does she know what I can do? Does she understand that her veryexistenceis in the palm of my hand? That I can crush her heart with just a look and—
“I’m going to be honest that I don’t care what people think or speculate about Landon. You can tell me all of the things you think he could do, but at the end of the day, it’s only me… and him. I love Landon with my whole heart, and I trust him just as much. So feel free to say whatever you want or speculate whatever you want because I don’t care. I spent so much of my life trying to be what everyone in the media wanted me to be, and it became absolutely exhausting. I felt like I was never doing enough or doing it right or something.”
He takes a deep breath before continuing. “I began to hate being myself and being a hero, but Landon has changed that. He’s made me realize that I don’t have to be this perfect image for everyone. That I can just be myself. That I won’t save anyone any less by not going to every single press conference or interview. That I can actually do more by not overexerting myself to make everyone else happy.
“I’m here to help people, not care about my image or what people think. If you want to chastise Landon, have at it. He can more than stand up for himself because he knows that I’ll always be on his side,” August says, and as I sit there absolutely gawking at him, my heartexplodesinto little chunks of confetti and heart-shaped pieces, and it’s so festive and weird, but I love it because I love August.
“I could have your babies, I love you so much right now,” I whisper.
August raises an eyebrow but he’s all smiles. Atruesmile. “I… I don’t think that’s possible, but I love you too.”
“I… wow. That’s very romantic,” Hannah says, looking surprised. “I guess I should apologize.”
“Thank you,” August says.
And that’s the moment everything comes to an abrupt stop. Both hosts freeze mid-action. Hannah’s mouth is open, and one eye is half closed, making her look like an idiot. The audience is suspended in what looks like surprise after August’s heartfelt talk.
“Why’d you freeze time?” I ask as I glance over at August before realizing that August is also frozen. August is never frozen whenhefreezes time, and isn’t he the only super who can? “Auuugust?”
I reach out and touch his leg, horribly confused about what’s happening, when I see movement in front of me. I look up just in time to see Hannah grin while she leaps out of her seat, the metal blade catching the light of the stage as she drives it straight toward August.
I don’t even think, I wave my hand, catching the woman with my power and throwing her away from August as I grab him and Zacia and drive him over the back of the couch. Panic hits me that someone would dare touch him as I guide him behind me and stare at the woman who is pushing herself up from the ground. “If you fucking dare touch him, I will kill you,” I growl.
“What the hell?” she cries as people rush onto the stage.
“Landon, what the hell is going on?” August asks.
“I don’t know. Did she actually think she was going to kill you? What the fuck?” I ask as I hurry August off the stage.
“What the hell was that?” Valerie asks as she grabs for me.
“I don’t know. Did she seriously think she was going to hurt him and I’d just sit there?” I ask.
“Landon, what are you talking about? Hurt me?” August asks as he grabs my face in his hands. “You thought she was going to hurt me? No, they just say stupid shit all the time to get better reactions and views for the TV. Theywantto get you riled up so they have something exciting to show.”
Valerie seems close to exploding. “How the fuck are we going to fix this? Landon, you don’t just fucking smack people off the damn stage, especially on live TV!” she yells. “What have youdone?”
I look at her, feeling startled. “What? What haveIdone? She was going to hurt or even kill August!”
“Heisa fucking villain,” someone says, and I look over at the people staring at me warily.