Page 6 of Reckless Roulette
They don’t plan on killing him, at least not yet, but why? Why legally take what Kade has when Norn could just pry it from his cold fingers? How fascinating… but not fascinating enough to work with him.
“Your buddy doesn’t look so hot. He normally like that?” I ask.
Kade gapes at me. “Does he normally have ahole in his head?”
I shrug. “I was just asking. Different strokes for different folks, you know? That kind of thing.”
Kade is still just gaping at me, so I give him a look that clearly states, “I’m not the weird one here” and hurry off toward my car.
What I don’t expect is for him to storm after me and tear the passenger door open as I’m getting in. He looks down at my pile of comic books on the seat and obviously plans on swiping them onto the floor.
“I would thinkveryhard about that,” I say.
So he waves to them and gives me a minute amount of time to move them into the back seat.
“I don’t remember asking if you wanted a ride. I actually feel like I remember the whole thing about you wanting to get far away from me, and thought I was annoying,andhow you told Harker that you considered ‘offing’ me.”
The tightening of his jaw tells me he wasn’t aware I heard that last part.
“You are going to drive me to my casino and you’re going to remain silent for the entire drive,” he says as he gets into the passenger seat and taps his foot in irritation.
I start the car, put my seat belt on, then stare at him.
“Why are we notmoving?” he asks.
“Because your seat belt isn’t on.”
“Are you planning on getting in an accident?”
“Yes, that’s on my schedule for eleven o’clock.”
He glances at the clock then smirks. “Then good thing it doesn’t take you twenty minutes to get to the casino.”
I stare at him.
He stares at me.
Oh, this man has absolutely no knowledge of how to respect someone. It’s literally going to kill him inside to do as I’ve asked. The men after him won’t even have to work hard—he’ll have died from rage and stubbornness at the rate he’s going.
He grabs the seat belt with so much anger that it immediately locks.Thatpisses him off even more as he starts jerking against it repeatedly, but now that it’s locked, it refuses to give him more.
“You have to let it go back in to unlock,” I say, in case he’s not aware of this tidbit. Maybe he’s always had someone to buckle the seat belt for him.
“Iknow,” he growls as he jerks on it some more.
“I don’t think you do. You’re keeping it locked during your little temper tantrum. See, watch. Wheeeee,” I say as I slowly pull my own seat belt out and slide the clasp back in for demonstration.
He’s now staring at me, which makes me assume he needs help with the matter. He does strike me as someone who has everyone do everything for him. So I lean over and try to pry it out of his hands, but he refuses to let go. I’m forced to push his hands and seat belt up until it releases and start to pull it back down.
“And there we go!” I say as I feel him wrap it around my throat.
“Oh dear god, I want to strangle you! That would be a beautiful end to this miserable day.”
“Ha… ha ha. You should always ask others if they want to participate in your kinks before you make them a part of it,” I say as I roll and wiggle until I pull free. “Now that we’re all safe, let’s go.”
I start driving, leaving the gunman still watching Kade behind. Did Kade ever even notice him? I don’t think he did. Although, he seems to realize they don’t want him dead yet.
“So Harker claims you’re an assassin,” Kade says.