Page 22 of Rise of a Kingdom
Was this all a game to get the shares back? How could that be though? I was the one who forced her into this marriage, didn’t I? Thoughts are a tornado in my mind, throwing out possible scenarios and clashing against what I think I know as reality.One thing is for sure, these two fuckers will suffer if they think they can fuck with me.
“Please, what Stella! He doesn’t love you! He will never love you like I do. You are a game piece to him. A fucking prize to be won. He will never desire and love you like I have for all these years.” Ajax leans his forehead against my wife’s, and I watch as she closes her eyes. My stomach clenches tightly at the image before me. The image of two despondent lovers.How can this be? How did I fucking miss this? What the ever-loving fuck is happening here behind my back?Has my best friend been cuckolding me behind my back this whole time?
“I am his wife.” Her voice sounds small as she grasps onto Ajax’s arms, preventing him from pulling her further into his embrace. The anguish on her face has my breath trapping in my throat.Does she have feelings for him?
My stomach feels like a boulder is sitting inside it. I can hear my own blood rushing in my ears, the sound loud and causing nausea to rise. I have walked into a fucking nightmare, one where my wife, the woman I crave above all else right now, might be in love with my best friend. The fucker that has been my very best friend since my childhood, playing me for a fucking moron. Both of them, lying to me, probably laughing at my obliviousness at what is happening right under my nose, in my own damn house.
“You were mine before you were his. I was your first Stella. It’s me that has claimed you. It’s me that has always wanted you.” Her face tips up to his, and I see the emotion in her eyes, no longer filled with arctic fire but with tears. Ones that trickle down the side of her delicate face like shimmering diamonds.
“Have you fucked him, Stella, or is it still only my dick that has been inside of that pretty pussy of yours?” The emotion and dread in Ajax’s voice has my hands clenching and unclenching at my side.How fucking dare he ask her that! Her cunt is fucking MINE!Every part of Stella Stratford is mine, and my fist is going to make sure that Ajax is made very aware of that.
She pulls out of his embrace and takes a step away from him, wiping the glistening tears from her face with the palm of her delicate hand. Tears that are for another man other than her husband. Tears for a man that has already had the treasure that I seek. My traitorous best friend, the one who I have always trusted, had her first and never mentioned a word of it.A man I am going to enjoy breaking every bone in his miserable body before I end his life and leave him in an unmarked grave.
He loved her first, my mind whispers.I don’t fucking care! She is fucking mine!His cock has been inside something that is mine and defiled it.When?When were they together? Before the wedding? Have they been fucking each other since the day we exchanged vows? Is this why she won’t let me near her? So many questions are stampeding through my mind at once.
His pleas to walk away from her before our wedding, then his rage at my proceeding with it now makes sense. It wasn’t just that he had some high school infatuation for her. He had fancied himself in love with her all these years, and she was resistant to him or any other male’s attention. He had her first. She had already given him her virginity. Who knows how long they were together behind everyone’s back? I feel like an imbecile. How did I not see what was going on here? Bile races up the back of my throat, and I have to force myself to swallow it down.
She was forced to marry me at her father’s demand. She didn’t want to proceed with the wedding, even daring to wear a black wedding gown to her own wedding in protest. Did Thomas know that she was in love with Ajax? Would he have forced her into a marriage with me even if he did know?Yes, my mind replies. I was the better catch, the Stratford name more powerful than that of Ajax Pickering.
Sweat breaks out along the back of my neck as I watch Ajax reach for her again, and she takes another step away from him, putting distance between their bodies. I release a harsh breath of relief at watching her putting much-needed space between them.I may not have to kill both of them after all.
“It is irrelevant whether he has or hasn’t. Jaxon is my husband now; I am his wife. Don’t touch me again Ajax. This has to stop.” She takes another step backward. “You can’t keep trying to see me and convince me that I should leave him. We ended months ago; you need to move past this. You can’t keep trying to pull me into your arms, I don’t belong there, and it’s wrong. I won’t cheat on Jaxon with you or anyone else. You are his closest friend; he would be crushed to know you are trying to take his wife.” Her hands clench at her side, her shoulders straightening to her formal posture. The one she uses to put distance between herself and everyone else. She is closing herself off from him, just like she does with me and anyone else she interacts with.
“You are wrong, Stella! The fact that you haven’t allowed him into your body speaks volumes about how you feel. You know he doesn’t love you, and never will.” Ajax paces back and forth as Stella watches with a blank expression. Desperation is etched across his features, and his eyes keep returning to my wife, pleading with her. “He will always belong to Kalista or some other woman. He will never be faithful to only you. He is incapable of monogamy, and once you bear his children, he will discard you.”
Ajax’s words are daggers penetrating my skin and hitting their intended targets.Is he right?Is that why Stella has kept me at arm’s length despite the heated passion towards each other that we both feel?Does she wish I was Ajax?Just the thought makes wrath and desperation fill my body. Desperation to hear her deny that she doesn’t want me. I want her to tell that fuck face she is mine in all ways, not just as my named wife.Every part of her is mine.
As for his comment about Kalista, is he right? After all, I did bring the woman here on my fucking wedding day.Will I never be faithful to Stella? Will I grow tired of her and her games?I want to deny his accusation. I want to run in there and punch him in the throat for putting those thoughts into her head. However, I can’t, he may be right. I don’t love Stella. I am not sure I have ever loved a woman, but I know the closest I ever got was with Kalista.
Would I discard Stella after she had my children? Didn’t I have the very same thought on my wedding day? Didn’t I plan to go on with my life separate from hers once she provided me with an heir?That was when you thought she was frigid and harsh.My mind reminds me, and nothing could be further from the truth where Stella is concerned.
She is neither frigid nor cold in the bedroom. In fact, she is the polar opposite and the hottest, most sexually satisfying woman I have ever been with. She makes me crazy with thoughts of her day and night. I can feel the ghost of her soft skin against mine. Her smell and taste are my constant companions, driving me insane to have another hit of her. I am now a willing addict of Stella Stratford’s, and there is no way I want to be cured of the addiction.
Can I let her go?If she wanted to be with Ajax, could I release her from this marriage?NO! She is mine!She is a Stratford now, my wife, and regardless of her feelings towards Ajax, I will never release her from this arrangement. My body will lie cold in the ground before I free Stella from my grasp.
Just as I am about to crash into the room to knock my best friend out and fuck my wife into the rug in front of him, I see a dark shape in the window directly behind her. The glint of metal reflects off the sunlight, and my heart races into my throat as I run into the room without thinking. I manage to get in front of her and pull her body behind mine just as the shot shatters the glass and hits me in the chest instead of her back. The air whooshes out of my chest, and a harsh grunt leaves my lips.
There’s a fire burning in my chest and loud sounds all around me, but they somehow seem muted, like I’m underwater. I stare down at the red blossoming across my white dress shirt, making a macabre abstract print. Hands grab at me, pulling me forward. Somehow I end up in one of the chairs, and I can finally focus my eyes on my wife and the noise in the room.
She’s shouting at someone around us, and tears are sliding down her beautiful face. She has blood splattered on her chin, and her fingers are pressing a pillow hard into my chest. “Jaxon, oh my god! Please speak to me!” She demands in a high-pitched voice. Her beautiful arctic blue eyes, ones that I have grown to desire and look forward to seeing, are so wide on her face. Is the expression on her face only fear, or is there a tinge of regret? Even in her panicked state, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and knowing that she is mine, fills me with lingering satisfaction.
“The ambulance is on its way, and so are the police. The shooter is gone!” I can hear Ajax’s panicked voice around me, but he’s out of my sightline.Thank fuck! I still owe the bastard a punch to the throat for touching my wife.However, the pain in my chest and my ragged breathing suggests that it will have to wait.
“She…is…mine!” I pant the words through the searing pain ripping through my chest. I watch as Stella’s eyes meet mine, a look of shock across her features. She pulls back from me like I have hit her.Good, now she realizes that I heard them, that I know.There shall be no more secrets between her and me. I raise my trembling hand, reaching for her beautiful face and cradling her chin.
A sharp pain rumbles through my chest, and I drop my hold on her. A ragged breath leaves my lips, and it feels like spittle is dripping down my lips and chin. Stella’s panicked eyes zero in on it, and whatever she sees there must be bad, a tear trickles out of her eye, followed by another one, and they cascade down her beautiful face.
“Jaxon, we need to stop the bleeding. You need to stay conscious. Stay with me!” She begs, her voice shaking and her hand trembling as she reaches for my face, cradling my cheek in her palm. The feeling of her skin on mine brings me a sense of peace I have never felt before. She calms the racing thoughts inside my head.I need her.The thought races in my mind.
“Don’t…worry…Stella, I… refuse… to free you… and make you… a widow. You… are mine… for all… eternity.” The words leave my lips in a slur as I try to focus on her beautiful features. Ones filled with worry for me and not Ajax. The look of pure anguish on her face is the last thing I see before darkness takes me.
“Regret doesn't remind us that we did badly. It reminds us that we know we can do better.” Kathryn Schulz
“Don’tworry,Stella,Irefuse to free you and make you a widow. You are mine for all eternity.” His words run on a vicious cycle in my mind as I pace back and forth in the corridor of the hospital outside of the surgical wing awaiting information on Jaxon’s condition.Jesus fucking Christ, why has there been no news yet!