Page 12 of Dysfunctional
She nods. “He’s disgusting. I’ve always had a weird feeling about him.”
“I say good riddance. We don’t need people like that in this town. I hope he gets what’s coming to him.”
I nod along. “Me too.”
She rushes off, but when she comes back with some more water, she lingers again. “Poor Kathy. I don’t know why she puts up with Bill and his shit.” I shrug, and she leans in to whisper again. “Maybe she’s planning on killing him.”
Shevon covers her mouth when she laughs. “I shouldn’t say that. That’s awful.”
I grin. “It’s okay. I won’t say anything.” I give her a wink and reach for my glass.
“Why are you single, again?” she asks.
This isn’t the first time she’s questioned me. Shevon is beautiful. She’s tall, slender, and has gorgeous brown skin and a bright smile. She could be a model in any magazine and on any runway. I’ve sensed she’s wanted me to ask her out, but it’s not personal. If I was normal, I’d be crazy to ignore her, but she’s too pure to deal with my shit.
“I’m a handful,” I say with a chuckle. “I’m sparing everyone.”
She playfully smacks my shoulder. “Oh, stop.”
The bell above the door rings and Shevon turns around. “Oh, speaking of single. Since you won’t take me out, I think I’m gonna try my chances on him.”
I peek around her and spot Kaspian.
“Please don’t.”
She gives me a look like she thinks I’m jealous. “Well, if you want to stop me…” She wiggles her brows.
“What do you know about him?” I ask.
“That he’s hot as fuck. You know it’s those skinny ones you gotta watch out for. If you know what I’m saying,” she says, dropping her voice and giving me a pointed look.
“I have no idea what you’re saying.”
I do, though.
She laughs. “Anyway, I don’t know much. He’s kind of new. Not too new, but you know. Someone said he moved here from Maine and someone else said Massachusetts. Now, either people are confused by those two M states, or he’s telling people different stories. My friend tried talking to him once. She said he was nice, but quiet. This guy I know said he was pretty rude to him, and the complete opposite of nice and quiet. Terrance told me he thinks he might be gay, because he saw him extremely close to a guy once, but I’ve seen him with a few girls, so I don’t know. He’s kind of an enigma.”
Yeah, and I want to be the one to figure him out.
“I see.”
Kaspian spots me and lifts his hand.
“You know him?” Shevon asks, her eyebrows jumping to her hairline.
“I wouldn't say that. I took my phone into the shop last week and he works there. I may have seen him around town, but…”
I trail off as I notice him walking this way. Shevon steps back and her eyes bounce between us a couple times before she faces Kaspian.
“Hi. You sittin’ here?”
Kas glances at me, waiting. I give a quick nod.
“Sure,” he says with a smile.
“Can I get you something to drink? Water? Coke? Sprite?”