Page 16 of Dysfunctional
As I take the final sip of my drink, a man walks up and instantly grabs the attention of everyone in the vicinity. He’s wearing black leather pants and a black zip-up vest that goes up to his neck and fits snug against his body. His bare arms are cut but lean, his skin like porcelain. He has a shaved head and soft features, dancing between both feminine and masculine.
“Master Blake,” Kaspian says, standing up to shake his hand.
“Kaspian. Nice to see you again.”
“Yeah, I figured I’d show my face around here since it’s been a while.”
The man gives a barely perceptible smirk. “And who’s this? New boyfriend?”
Before I can say anything, Kas lays a hand on my shoulder, giving me a slight squeeze. “Yes. It’s new.”
“Throwing him into the deep end right off the bat, huh?”
Kas chuckles. “Something tells me he can handle it.”
Master Blakeextends his hand to me, so I take it. His shake is firm and his gaze is penetrating. He stares at me like he knows every secret I’ve ever had. “Nice to meet you…”
“Ezra,” I say.
“Ezra. I hope you enjoy yourself.”
Kas sits back down and orders us a shot to go with another drink. “Master Blake runs this place.”
“Seems like it,” I say. “Your type?”
He gives me a lopsided grin that makes me regret asking, because I know what’s coming.
“I don’t have a type,” he offers. “I’m an equal opportunist.”
“I see.”
We down our shots and start on our second drink of the night. A couple who appear to be in their forties approach us with friendly smiles.
“How are you two tonight?” the woman asks.
“We’re great. How are you?” Kas responds in a cheerful tone.
“We’re doing pretty good.” The man wraps an arm around his wife’s waist and grins. “We were wondering if you two were interested in joining us tonight.”
My eyebrows lift, but Kas is quick. He reaches out and grabs my hand and the touch has me tensing up. He gently rubs his thumb over the back of my hand, telling me to calm down.
“Thank you for thinking of us, but we’re gonna have to decline. My guy here is still a little new.”
The couple look in my direction and give me a head tilt and smile. “I see. Well, good luck and have a good night.”
“You too.”
As soon as they’re gone, Kas removes his hand.
“That was…new,” I say, watching the couple walk away.
“It’s what this place is for.”