Page 67 of Dysfunctional
“Is that the only thing you want to know?”
“No, but it’s a start.”
“Not the best place to talk,” he says, turning his head toward the bar.
I follow his gaze and find Willow coming back with my drink.
“Here you go.”
For the next hour we put our conversation on hold, talking to Willow and Cora instead. Samantha and BJ spend a lot of time on the dance floor, while Jason does his best to act like he’s not watching them. Eventually, Willow lures Kaspian and Cora to the bar to help her get a round of shots and a few more drinks.
Jason sits down next to me with a huff.
“What’s up, man? You didn’t tell her whatever you know about BJ?”
He sighs. “I did! I sent the message from a fake Instagram account, but she never replied after seeing it. If they fought about it, I can’t tell. They seem happier than ever.”
“That sucks. Maybe you should just forget about her. There’s a ton of girls here.”
“I know.”
Kaspian appears, placing shot glasses in front of Jason and me. “What’re y’all gossiping about?”
“BJ,” Jason groans.
“Blow jobs?”
Jason laughs, already tipsy. “BJ. Sam’s boyfriend.”
Kaspian looks at me and I jerk my head toward the lovebirds on the dance floor.
“Oh, that douchebag? I hate that guy.”
“Why?” Jason asks.
Kas shrugs. “Just a weird vibe I get.”
“Jason’s in love with Samantha, but she’s with BJ,” I say.
Jason elbows me, chuckling. “I’m notin love.”
“Want me to kill him?” Kas asks. “Me and Ez can get rid of him for you.”
Luckily, Jason thinks it’s a joke and starts laughing. “I wish. He’s such a dick.”
The three of us take our shots and then the girls get back and whine that we didn’t wait for them. After another thirty minutes, five of which have consisted of Kaspian rubbing his leg against mine under the table, I get up and go to the bathroom.
When I return to the table, it’s just to tell them I’m going to go outside for a smoke. It doesn’t take long for someone to follow me out, but it’s not Kaspian like I expected.
“Hey,” Willow says sheepishly, crossing her arms in front of her as she attempts to stay warm. She put on her coat, but it looks like it’s made more for fashion than warmth.
“Hey.” I blow smoke away from her.
“This may be weird but I just wanted to ask you a question.”
“Okay,” I say, taking another drag.