Page 80 of Dysfunctional
She gives me the smallest grin, but it falls fast. “Doesn’t mean other women won’t get killed.”
My spine stiffens. “Killed?”
Willow’s eyes snap to mine. “You can’t possibly think they’re still alive.”
“We can hope.”
She scoffs. “It’s been weeks, Ezra.”
“People have been found years later.”
She gets up, tossing her food in the trash. “I don’t know.” She whirls around and studies the floor before looking up at me. “I’m taking some leave. I’m gonna start my Christmas vacation early. I just want to spend a week in a cabin with my friends.”
“That’ll be nice,” I say with a nod.
Something vibrates next to me. She left her phone on the couch, so I pick it up to hand it to her, but I freeze when I see the name on the screen.
He doesn’t seem to have a problem reaching out to her. What the hell?
She takes the phone and glances down at the message. Her face remains stoic, but then she looks up. “One of them was my friend. I hope she’s alive. I really do. But I don’t have a lot of hope.” Her lips form a sad smile before she says, “I hope you have a good Christmas.”
* * *
Fucking Christ!A friend of Willow’s. This just got a lot worse, and the fact that Kaspian is ignoring me is pissing me off. He just texted Willow, so I know he’s not in hiding.
Without another plan, I decide I have to keep my eyes on Willow. Maybe they’ll meet up and I’ll be able to get to him. I need to know what he’s up to and why he thinks it’s a good idea to avoid me. Hopefully he’s just making sure there’s no connection to him. No evidence anywhere.
I never asked for details about what he did to these women. Or where. I assume it was at his house since he has the privacy and the land to dispose of them without getting the attention from anyone else. But if for some reason someone connects him to both of them, they could search his place.
After work, she goes straight home and doesn’t leave. It’s nearly eleven o’clock when I decide to go home with the plan of coming back in the morning. I’m on the street perpendicular to hers, parked behind an RV. Hopefully this is still here tomorrow because it offers cover while allowing me to see if anyone comes or goes.
I attempt to call Kaspian when I get home, but it goes to voicemail and I decide to quit trying. I go to sleep, wake up at five in the morning and head back to my hiding spot behind the RV near Willow’s house.
It’s mid-December and cold as fuck. Snow clings to my windows, thick flakes falling from the dark sky. We already have several inches on the ground, but I hear we’re in for a winter storm. Based on how fast and how much snow is falling now, we’re starting to feel the effects of it already.
The wind begins to pick up, eventually leading to a howling sound outside my window, whipping the flakes to the east and ruining their direct descent from the clouds.
I turn the heater up and use my windshield wipers to clear my front window. It’s covered again in a matter of minutes. At nearly seven, people begin to stir. Windows open, outside lights turn off, and a few residents begin to scrape the snow from their cars to get ready for work.
A snowplow drives past me and I’m grateful that I have the day off. I listen to the weather report and hear them talk about how the worst is yet to come. In the next few hours, we’ll have nearly a foot dumped on us. Non-essential businesses are choosing to stay closed and the anchors are telling people to stay home unless travel is necessary.
Just as they say that, I notice movement at Willow’s place. I clear my window and spot her in a large jacket, holding a suitcase as she runs to her car. She’s trying to get to her cabin before the roads are too bad.
Once she’s got the snow off her windows, she jumps in and pulls out onto the street. I debate on whether it’s necessary to follow her. She’s going to a cabin with her friends for the week. After that, she’s spending time with her family. Going up there won’t lead me to Kaspian.
I begin to back up and pull out from behind the RV when I notice another car turn the corner and drive behind her.
It’s Kaspian. He’s in the second truck he had parked at his property. She won’t know it’s him even if she was paying attention. The snow will make it hard to make anybody out anyway.
I have no choice now. I follow him as he follows her.
The drive isn’t too bad. My truck is built for the winter conditions, but I have to make sure Kaspian doesn’t notice me, so I let them get ahead.
I remember where she said she was going, so even if I can’t follow directly behind, I know where to go. All I have to do is look for their vehicles once I’m there.