Page 84 of Dysfunctional
I bring her around, and he yanks the comforter to the floor. Considering it’s got his blood on it, that makes sense.
Willow whimpers and struggles while I get her on top of the sheets, straddling her the way she straddled him.
“She couldn’t take it anymore,” Kaspian whispers. “The disappearance and possible death of her best friend. She came up here to end it all.”
Willow screams and I clamp my hand over her mouth, not that anyone will be able to hear her, but so I’m able to think. She wriggles underneath me, kicking her legs and twisting her body, but I’m too heavy to move.
“Grab the knife she had. There’s a scarf on the dresser. Wipe your blood from it and bring it here.”
Kas moves slowly, but he does it. When I go to reach for it, he shakes his head. “She tried killing me.”
With a swift motion, the blade slides from the middle of her forearm to her wrist, parting the skin. She screams into my palm, her body bucking. I hold her arm down, allowing the blood to pour out. Kaspian moves to the other side and struggles to keep her arm down so he can do the same thing. Every movement he makes hurts based on the expressions on his face, but he eventually slices the blade down the same path, moving his hand to grip her upper arm so she doesn’t spray blood all over both of us.
It’s not quick. It takes a while to bleed out. But after a while, her body loses some strength and she’s no longer fighting. Her skin turns pale, but she’s still breathing. Barely.
I glance over at Kaspian and find him on the floor, slumped against the wall, his face set in a grimace. I jump off of Willow and make my way to him. She doesn’t move. She’s no longer a threat, but now my focus is on Kas.
“Let me see.”
“I’m fine,” he grunts.
“Looks like it.”
I move his hand and lift the undershirt, trying to get a look at the cut. I find his black tee on the floor and bring it over to wipe the blood away. He hisses in pain, but I have to see what we’re working with here.
It’s about four inches long and deep enough to require stitches. No major arteries were severed which is good, but he’s still losing a good amount of blood.
“You’re gonna be okay.”
“You sure?”
I grab his face and make him look into my eyes. “You’re not allowed to leave me. You understand?” I shove the T-shirt against the wound and find the scarf from earlier and tie it tightly around his torso.
“Sounds like you care.”
“I’m here, aren’t I? Why would that be?”
His eyes study my face. “I was going to kill her. That’s why I’m here. Not for any other reason.”
“Good, because I was already thinking about killing you for being here with her.”
He snorts. “I knew she was on to me. I took some time to look into the girls and found out she knew one of them. We were both playing a part. I didn’t expect her to have a knife hidden under the pillow. She got to it before I could play out my plan.” He sucks in a breath. “The situation escalated faster than I wanted it to.”
“It’s okay,” I say. “I have to find some things. Stay here. Keep pressing down.”
I get up and run to the bathroom but don’t find what I’m looking for. In the bathroom downstairs I find a first-aid kit, and in another bedroom I find a sewing kit in a drawer.
I run back to Kaspian. “This is gonna hurt, but we have to stop the bleeding.”
His eyes find what’s in my hands. “Great.”
After removing the shirt and scarf, I use the peroxide and antiseptic wipes to clean the area. The small teal-blue box has a few needles, a couple spools of thread, and some buttons, but it’s enough. I thread the needle and look into his eyes.
He looks away and I take that as a yes. I pinch together his skin and stick the needle through his flesh, threading it to the other side. I repeat this for the length of the wound, all while Kaspian cusses and grunts, banging his fist against the wall.
“Jesus fuck!”