Page 43 of One Unexpected Kiss
Lyra shrugged. “So what? She’s here now.”
Here now, gone tomorrow.That was what it had been like nine years ago. And just like then, I wouldn’t fall prey to getting attached to someone who was only going to leave. Only suckers did that.
“To what end?”
My sister threw her hands up. “I don’t know. So maybe you could be happy for once instead of being a grumpy asshole?”
“I’m plenty happy.” I had my brewery, my dog, my family, and my islands. What else did I need? Nothing. In fact, I was maxed out. I didn’t have room in my life for anything—or anyone—else.
“Are you, though?” She peered at me. “Are you really?”
Lyra needed to leave it the fuck alone. This was none of her business, and I’d humored her long enough. I evenly met her gaze. “It didn’t work out for you so well when you got involved with an outsider, so why don’t you back off?”
Lyra reeled back as if I’d slapped her, and I immediately regretted my words.Damn it.I’d only meant to shut her up, not hurt her.
“That’s a low blow, even for you.” Her voice shook, and I hated myself for causing that. “Getting involved with that outsider resulted in Sophia, so I wouldn’t change a damn thing. You know what? Screw you, Bennett.”
She stalked away, leaving me feeling like the asshole she’d claimed I was.
BEFORE THE SUNwas up, I picked up Paul and my mom to take them to the hospital for the surgery. Then I sat in the waiting room and held my mom’s shaking hand. For all her talk of being tough, she was scared. I couldn’t blame her. Even though the surgery was routine, the love of her life was under a knife. I got nervous every time I took Larry to the vet to have his nails trimmed. It didn’t help matters that he howled like he was being disemboweled every time, but that was another story.
“I think I’m going to sign up for an obedience class,” I said to distract her.
She eyed me. “Oh, honey. I don’t think you need that.”
I frowned. “What?”
“You just need a good woman to get you in line.”
I rolled my eyes. I was trying to do her a solid and divert her attention from the surgery, and she was taking advantage of the situation.Par for the course.My mom didn’t miss a beat.
“For Larry, Mom. Larry.”
Chuckling, she patted my arm. “I know. I’m just teasing you.”
There was truth behind her words, though. She was getting more and more insistent that her children settle down. By the time she was my age, she’d had two kids and was pregnant with the twins. Shortly after, she’d been a single mother somehow making ends meet and doing a stellar job with us kids. The woman was magic.
Meanwhile, I couldn’t keep my dog from bowling over guests.But I’m fixing that.As for the rest, I was probably a lost cause. “Anyway, do you want to sign up for the same class and take Sadie?”
“No. Two reasons—she’s already well-behaved, and she would only distract Larry.”
She had a good point, but everything distracted Larry.Shit.I hadn’t thought of that. I might have to splurge for one-on-one training. “Let me know if you change your mind.”
“I will, dear. It’s a good idea for Larry.”
I cringed. That was as close to a real criticism as she would ever make of her granddog. “He’s a little out of control.”
Her chin twitched, letting me know she agreed, though she wouldn’t say so. “Thank goodness Claire wasn’t hurt.”
The sight of her on the ground had stopped my heart for the second I’d thought she was seriously injured. She was tougher than she looked, but I wished I hadn’t had to find that out. Just like I’d wanted to take care of her when she was sick in the Brew Co., I’d also wanted to look her over after her fall—to feel every inch of her just to make sure nothing was broken. I hated that she brought that out in me.
It’s just caveman-response shit. Nothing else, I told myself, but it was getting more and more difficult to believe that line.Damn her.
“Yeah,” I muttered. “She’s a lawyer. She might have sued us.”
My mom pursed her lips, the disapproval strong in her gaze. “That’s both harsh and untrue.”