Page 45 of One Unexpected Kiss
I considered. “You’re right. Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to that.”Damn it.Maybe I should stay overnight as well. I was able to help Paul get around myself, but it would be easier with two of us.
“Go home, Bennett!” my mom called from the other room as if she had read my mind. “You’ve done enough!”
Still, I hesitated. “Do you want me to take Sadie? If she gets tangled under your feet, she could trip you and Paul.”
My brother opened the front door and none too gently pushed me through then shut and locked it behind me.Idiot.I had a key—all of us kids did. I stood on the porch, wondering if I should let myself back in.
I forced myself down the porch steps and out to my truck. Alec was perfectly capable, and unlike Mom, he would call if things went to shit. Besides, I had something pressing to do. I swung by my house, picked up Larry, and prepared to do what I should have already done—grovel for Lyra’s forgiveness.
I CLINKED MYwineglass against Stephanie’s. “To my badassery.”
I’d doubted myself initially, but I shouldn’t have. I was a badass lawyer, negotiator, and schmoozer. The local business commission members were putty in my hands. In my mind, I heard myself letting out an evil-villain cackle.
Perhaps I’d had too much wine already, because I knew I was not the villain in this situation—more like the fairy godmother.And Jesus, please tell me I don’t sound like that when I laugh.
My sister eyed me skeptically before bringing her glass to her lips. “Is there something specific we’re toasting to or just your general badassery?”
I sighed. “Didn’t you listen to a word I said?” I’d spent the last twenty minutes regaling her with my conquests for the day, and while her eyes had glazed over a little, I thought she’d at least picked up the gist.
Markham had already acquired the land that was needed for the resort, but there was one piece with road frontage that would allow for a secondary entrance to the property. While the plans would go forward regardless, Phil was eager to get his hands on that property and had authorized me to offer a very healthy compensation package. When the Zooks saw how many zeros were attached to the offer, they couldn’t sign fast enough.
That had been my first win of the day. Then I’d gone on to speak to two commission board members. The first was staunchly opposed to the resort, but at least he’d been polite and listened to my spiel. I’d won the second one over, though.
It had been a busy day, but I was grateful for the distraction because otherwise I would have spent my time curled up in bed with a package of Oreos and the scene of me kissing Bennett playing on repeat in my mind. When Larry had knocked me to the ground, he must have shaken something loose, because I had to have lost my mind. It was the only explanation. The worst part of it was that he’d simply walked away like I didn’t matter.
And I didn’t—not to him. He’d made that abundantly clear, but I somehow couldn’t get it through my thick skull. He was only polite to me when forced—in other words, when his family was around.
So why did he kiss you back?Or maybe I’d imagined that part of the scenario. But if I closed my eyes, I could almost feel the heat of his breath mixing with mine, the press of his fingertips in my back. That had been real, not wishful thinking.
In any case, the saltines and ginger ale had definitely been real. There was proof of that in the kitchen pantry. But even if he did really care about me, it didn’t matter, because he didn’twantto care. That was a small but important distinction that I wouldn’t overlook.
I took a gulp of wine. I was done with Bennett Ramsey. I’d already wasted two years of my life with a man who didn’t value me, and I wasn’t going to fall into the same trap. Anyway, it was pointless to get upset about Bennett’s rejection, because as soon as the resort was approved, I was leaving the Carolina Banks. As Bennett kept reminding me, this wasn’t my home.
And then what?I didn’t have a clue. My assignment for Markham was temporary, and while it would give me a leg up financially, I still needed to find a job once it was over. I refused to continue living in Stephanie’s guesthouse indefinitely.
I gulped down the rest of my wine and refilled my glass.
Stephanie put a finger to her chin in faux thought. “Something about contracts, resort, money, blah, blah, blah?”
I shook my head.Classic Stephanie. “That’s exactly what I said. I’m lucky Phil sent me down here instead of you.”
Hurt flashed in my sister’s eyes for a split second before she laughed. “Yeah, right. Like that would ever happen.”
Uh-oh.Eyeing her, I put down my wineglass. “Are you okay?” Stephanie was usually the first to crack jokes at her ineptness with anything requiring an ounce of responsibility. She had many fine qualities, but being dependable wasn’t one of them.
“Yes,” she said with a fake bright smile. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
She seemed to want me to let it go, and I might have, but I’d never seen my sister look hurt like that before. Plus, I’d already had too much wine to hold my tongue. “I didn’t mean anything by what I said. I was teasing.”
“I know.” Her smile remained fixed on her face.
“I’m sorry if it upset you.”
“Why would it upset me? Everyone knows I can’t be trusted with business things.”