Page 68 of One Unexpected Kiss
He leaned me back on the counter and trailed kisses down my torso, flicking open the button on my jeans when he got there. He pulled my pants down, exploring every inch of my skin as he did so. By the time my panties were inching over my thighs, my whole body was quivering.
He pushed my thighs apart and buried his face between them, licking and sucking. I laced my fingers through his hair and gave in to the moment. No thinking. My orgasm came hard and fast, and I fully abandoned myself it, crying out as my body shuddered its release.
When it was over, I lay there panting while he continued to lazily stroke his tongue over me. God, this is perfect… wait. If Bennett is still between my legs, then what the hell is licking my ankle?
I let out a little shriek and jerked my leg away.
“Damn it, Larry,” Bennett growled.
I burst out laughing. It was odd going from orgasmic pleasure to having the giggles—from one end of the emotional and physical spectrum to the other.
“Larry, no,” he said sternly.
“I told you,” I said through my giggles. “He and I have athing.He’s probably jealous.”
“He’s about to be in the doghouse.”
“Don’t blame him. It’s not his fault I attract all the studs.”
Bennett gripped my hands and pulled me to a sitting position. “All the studs, huh? Larry might not be the only jealous one if that’s the case.”
“You don’t strike me as the jealous type,” I said flippantly.
“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had reason to be,” he said, and I suspected that was true. He glanced down at his loyal canine companion. “But I sure as hell never expected to be jealous of a dog.” He swiftly put his arm under my knees and lifted me.
I yelped at the sudden action as I felt the cool air on my bare butt cheeks. “Where are you taking me?”
“To the bedroom, where I can lock Larry out.” His eyes, dark with desire, bored into mine. “No distractions. Just you and me, babe.”
Sounds good to me.
BENNETT HELD OPENthe door of Happy’s Pancake House so I could enter. Eyeing the scarred wooden tables and chairs, along with vinyl booths that had seen better days, I grinned. “The place hasn’t changed at all.”
Happy’s had been in business in the Carolina Banks for over fifty years, and it was the kind of place that only locals or tourists in the know frequented. In other words, the perfect breakfast joint, in Bennett’s opinion.
Bennett returned my smile, taking my comment as the compliment it was intended to be. “The best pancakes for at least a hundred miles.”
“I’d expect nothing less.” Hole-in-the-wall restaurants either had the best food you’d ever tasted or gave you food poisoning—there was no middle ground.
We seated ourselves next to a window in a booth that was patched with fraying duct tape. I opened the slightly sticky plastic-coated menu. Bennett didn’t bother.
A waitress sauntered over with a mug of steaming coffee and a plate of toast. With a big smile, she set it in front of Bennett even though he hadn’t ordered yet. “Whole wheat toasted dark, just how you like it.”
“Thanks, Kendra,” Bennett replied.
The waitress turned to me, and if I wasn’t mistaken, her smile was slightly less friendly. “Can I get you started with anything?”
I hadn’t had time to look over the full menu yet. “Coffee and toast would be great, thanks.”
Bennett pushed the plate to the center of the table. “You can share mine.”
Kendra tucked her order pad into her apron pocket. “I’ll be right back with that coffee, then.” She walked toward the kitchen.
Bennett fished a package of grape jelly out of the basket on the table. “She always brings way too much toast, and it ends up going to waste. I’m not going to eat six slices by myself.”