Page 92 of One Unexpected Kiss
“Good idea.” The kitchen door swooshed open and shut a moment later.
“You’re a good sport,” Phil said. “Between you and me, some of the things she makes have been…challengingto eat.”
Bennett chuckled, a genuine sound that reverberated through my chest and hit me square in the feels. “She’s got a good heart.”
“Yes, she does. No one could ever accuse otherwise. Now, are you the Bennett Ramsey who was staunchly opposed to the rezoning for my resort?”
There was a moment of silence, and I imagined Bennett squirming in his chair. I had to admit it was a satisfying image.
“Well, sir—”
“I already told you not to call me sir. You’re here as a friend of my wife’s, correct?”
That took me aback. Had Stephanie invited Bennett? She wouldn’t have done that… On second thought, I wouldn’t have put it past her. But to what end?
“Tell me why you were so opposed,” Phil said. “Or should I keep it in present tense—are you still opposed?”
“Well—” There was a pause where I figured Bennett was trying not to addsir. “Historically, the Carolina Banks economy has been composed of local small businesses. Many of the businesses have been around for generations.”
“I see.” I could faintly hear Phil’s fingers drumming on the table. “What about the conglomerates who own scores of large beach houses?”
“I’m not happy about those, either.”
I wondered if I should reveal myself and save Bennett from this uncomfortable conversation. Phil had tact, but he wasn’t scared to broach difficult topics. I was about to step forward but stopped myself. Bennet hadn’t told me he was coming. It wasn’t my place to save him from a situation he’d initiated, and frankly, until I knew what he was doing here, I wasn’t inclined to help him.
And I wasn’t about to give him the chance to break my heart again. Once was enough, thank you very much.
The kitchen door opened. “Here’s some milk,” Stephanie said.
“Bennett was just about to explain his opposition to the resort.”
“Oh, that’s an easy one,” Stephanie replied. “He doesn’t like change.”
“That’s true,” Bennett reluctantly agreed. “But it’s more than that. The islands have a personality, a vitality that will be stripped away if too many generic companies come in and take over.” The passion was evident in his voice.
“Are you calling my company generic?” Phil asked blandly.
Even from down the hall, I could hear Bennett swallow. “With all due respect, yes.”
Phil laughed. “You’ve got balls—I’ll give you that. That’s probably why the Holden women are so fond of you. I’ll tell you what. I want to give you a full week, airfare included, at any Markham resort. Go, experience, and take notes on how we can alter the plans to better fit in with the personality of the Carolina Banks. We at Markham aim to enhance, not strip away.”
“Thank you, sir.” There was a pause. “Now, let me ask you this—is that just a line? Or do you stand behind it?”
“I stand behind it one hundred percent. My company aims to make money but not at the expense of the communities we establish ourselves in.”
“Fair enough,” Bennett said gruffly.
I’d told him that Phil was an upstanding guy. Hopefully, now that he’d seen for himself, he’d believe it. Not that I cared. Bennett was no longer my concern.If I say it enough, it’ll be true, right?
“Stephanie, do you want to see if Claire is home?” Phil asked. “While it’s been a pleasure chatting with Mr. Ramsey, I’m sure he’d rather talk to her.”
Shit.I backpedaled down the hall back to the laundry room.
“Oh, she’s home. I was just making Bennett sweat a little.”
Damn it, Steph.That all but confirmed she’d orchestrated his visit. If I’d been thinking more clearly, I’d have realized she had to be behind it—the Markham Corporation’s CEO’s home address was not public knowledge.