Page 17 of Rum and Rendezvous
My brother studied them for a minute, then he chuckled, shaking his head, and patted me on the back before he walked away. What the hell was that supposed to mean?
Just over an hour later, a forlorn and defeated-looking Ryan slumped into an empty chair at the bar. I kept my smile in place as I fixed him a drink.
Carly sidled up next to me, shouldering me aside. “Hey, Ryan. How did your date go?” The tone of his voice sounded genuine and caring.
A pang of guilt tugged at my conscience as Ryan shrugged. “Not good?”
Carly smiled sympathetically. “How can you tell?”
“Um, because he left? He pretended to get an emergency phone call and then bailed.”
I slid his drink across the counter, and he grabbed it like a lifeline. “How do you know he was pretending?”
“Because the phone never rang! He just picked it up and started talking.”
I placed my hand over his. “At least you’ll still get a blow job tonight.”
His mouth parted in shock, and I laughed. “I’m talking about the drink. It’s called a blow job. It has amaretto, Kahlúa, and Irish cream, topped off with whip cream and a cherry. You have to down it in one shot, preferably by wrapping your lips around the glass and tipping it into your mouth, hands-free.”
“Why are all drinks named after sex?” Ryan eyed his drink, probably wondering if he could take it like I suggested.
Carly explained, “Because it sells more liquor. And I will never complain about that.”
“Drink up, Boytoy.” I watched as he lowered his head to the glass, stretching his full lips around the rim. A moment later, he tossed his head back and emptied the glass in one gulp. I reached across the bar and grabbed it from his mouth as the people sitting closest to him clapped and cheered.
Ryan glowed from the praise. It made me want to shower him with compliments to see if I could garner the same reaction. “Hey, did you do that moaning thing when you chewed?”
“Yes, why do you think he ditched me? That was terrible advice. I should’ve known better.”
“I’m sorry. I really thought I had his type pegged. I’ll do better next time.”
Ryan toyed with his phone, running his fingertip over the screen. “It’s not your fault. You were only trying to help. I think this is something I need to do on my own. But I appreciate your efforts.”
Well, that wouldn’t do at all. If he handled it on his own, there was no telling who he would end up with. “I told you we were in this together and that I would help. I’ll do better next time, I promise.”
Ryan looked up at me with round glassy eyes, wide open and trusting. I fell into his gaze, forgetting myself for a moment.
“What would I do without you, Cary?”
His question tugged at my balls…and if I was being honest with myself, my heart a little, too. But as I answered him, this time, my conscience was crystal clear. “I hope you never have to find out.”
All these faileddates were killing my confidence. Was it me? Was I doing something wrong? Was there something fundamentally flawed with my personality? My best friend assured me it wasn’t my face, so it had to be internal.
I parked at the curb, fed the meter, and headed for my mother, who discreetly flagged me from a table in front of the sidewalk café. The Apple Blossom Bistro was my favorite lunch spot, and my mom met me there every Wednesday afternoon. I pressed a kiss to her cheek before taking my seat.
My mom was beautiful in a soft, natural way. While most women her age wore an abundance of makeup to camouflage their aging skin, my mother wore almost none. Her hair wasn’t dyed or teased, but streaked with gray around her face and it fell in soft waves to her shoulders. When she smiled at me, it reached her bright blue eyes, so like my own.
“Hey, Mama. Looking pretty today.”
She laughed and waved away my compliment. “You’re so smooth, baby. With manners like that, it’s a wonder you’re still single.” She peeked at me over the top of her menu. “Anyone new lately?”
Here we go. “No one worth mentioning. How about you?” My mother rarely dated, so I already knew the answer.
“Don’t change the subject, dear. You know, the best relationships start as friendships. Keep your eyes open, Ryan. The right man could be right in front of you and you don’t even see him.”