Page 38 of Rum and Rendezvous
I swallowed again, clearing my throat so my voice would come out strong. “Are you saying you love me?”
He screwed his face up, looking confused. “I mean, sort of?”
I smacked his arm playfully, rolling my eyes. “The real Carson Carrick has returned. My Casanova is gone.”
“What I mean is, I’m definitely falling for you, Boytoy. I’ve never felt this way before now, and it’s a little scary and eye-opening. But I’m here for it, the whole thing. I’m not going anywhere. We are no longer friends with benefits. I’m not your dating coach. I want you to be mine.” He sucked softly on my lips, drawing them between his. “All mine. Nobody out there is going to appreciate and admire you more than I do.”
Another pull of his lips on mine. The sucking sound straightening my dick out. “You dazzle me, Ryan Middleton.”
Ryan was quickly unraveling.“Why the tears?”
He swiped at them furiously. “They’re happy ones, I swear.”
“Are you disappointed it was me?”
“No!” He shook his head, eyes wide. “Not at all. I’d—”
He trailed off, looking unsure.
“You what?”
“I’d hoped it was you. Even though I knew it was ridiculous.”
I slid my hand around his neck, bringing him closer, our heads touching. “Do you know how perfect you are for me?”
“I do. I’ve known for a while.” He grinned but chewed his lip, trying to hide his smile.
“I know you have.”
Ryan groaned. “Oh God, have I been that obvious?”
I laughed, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “No. But when it’s right, you just feel it, you know?”
He nodded, speaking without words. We didn’t need them. The warmth of his cheek pressed against mine, his solid weight in my lap. It was all the reassurance I needed.
It was a terrible time for my brother to interrupt us. “Are you gentlemen ready to order?”
“You have terrible timing. Just bring us whatever you like.” His laughter followed him back to the kitchen.
I loved watching Ryan tuck into his peach bourbon glazed spareribs. He licked his lush lips at least a dozen times, sucked his sticky fingers, and moaned appreciatively, making my pants fit too tight.
“What’s this drink called? It’s so good.”
He’d downed half of it in three solid gulps. “It’s called Woo Woo. The peach schnapps and cranberry juice complement the peach bourbon glaze on your ribs.” And the vodka was making his blue eyes shine brightly.
“You mix the best drinks. Oh! You should have a cocktail bible at the bar for guests like me who want to try something new but don’t know what to order,” he suggested, finishing off his cocktail.
“That’s a great idea. I’ll mention it to Carly. Are you almost ready to leave?”
The alcohol had made him loose, almost playful. “Why? Are you in a hurry to get me alone?” Ryan wagged his blond brows.
I chuckled, completely charmed by him. “Yeah, Boytoy. I am.” I had no plans to touch him like he thought I would. I just wanted more time with him. “Let’s get out of here.”
It didn’t take us long to arrive at his condo in Rolling Hills. Ryan clung to me as we rode up the elevator, tweaking my nipples through my shirt and trying to suck on my neck. If he could have reached it. Every time he stood on his tiptoes, he lost his balance and fell into me, giggling and snorting. It was a huge feat of restraint for me to not laugh at him.