Page 8 of Rum and Rendezvous
He laughed through his numb lips. “You’re crazy, you know that?”
“Sometimes, all you need is a little bit of crazy to feel right again.”
“Thank you,” he whispered. “I didn’t know I needed that, but you’re right, it helped.”
“Of course it did. I’m your big brother. I know exactly what you need.”
Carlisle smirked. “Two minutes doesn’t make you my older brother. But I don’t want to ruin your fantasy. Hand me my clothes before you freeze to death.”
We exchanged his clothes for the blanket, and I wrapped it around my shoulders, stealing my brother's warmth. “I missed this place.”
“Yeah, me too,” he agreed, sounding nostalgic and a little sad. “Maybe I just miss who we used to be, before life stole our fun.”
“You know what? I’m still having fun. If you’re not, you’re just not doing it right.”
“Doing what right?”
“Life, you fool. You’ve got to loosen up a little bit, put yourself out there and take risks. Try new things. Don’t be afraid to look silly.”
“Life lessons, according to Carson Carrick.” He raised his voice, pretending to talk to an imaginary crowd. “Everyone listen up, this is priceless shit right here.”
I pushed his shoulder playfully. “Well, I must be doing something right because I’m still smiling and having fun. And because of me, you are too. Come on, let’s get home so I can grab a hot shower and thaw my nuts out.”
I didn’t even bother putting my clothes back on, just hunched behind the wheel, still wrapped in the blanket, and drove us home. Of course, it was just our luck that my cousin happened to still be up watching TV. He took one look at us, dripping and naked, and shook his head, completely unfazed.
“I don’t even want to fucking know. Just go put some damn clothes on before I see something I wish I hadn’t.”
“I can’t believeyou’re trying again so soon. Please don’t take your credit card with you. Just bring cash,” Reid pleaded through the phone.
“I promise. I learned my lesson last week.”
“Apparently not,” he grumbled. “What’s this guy’s name?”
“Young&Hung69.” I waited for Reid to snicker before revealing his real name. “Eric. I don’t have a last name. And he sent his picture, so we’re off to a better start than last time.”
“You’re going back to Limericks? What if you run into that cutie bartender again?”
I could only hope to be that lucky. “So what if I do? It was a one-night stand. I'm not supposed to make it awkward. I’m supposed to be a mature adult, wink and smile, and ignore him.”
“Ugh! I’m so glad Riley was it for me and I never had to date. I can’t stand these stupid rules. Good luck tonight! Text me when you’re home safe.”
“Will do. Night, Reid.”
Lookingin the full-length mirror behind my bedroom door, I checked my reflection, critically appraising my appearance. I chose a pale pink button-down shirt and charcoal pants that showed off my ass to perfection. Grabbing my phone, keys, and a wad of cash, I headed downstairs to wait for my rideshare. In the elevator, I crossed my fingers and sent up a quick prayer to the gods of gay dating that tonight went a hell of a lot smoother than my last date. I was due for a run of good luck.
As I crossed the lobby of my building, I passed Mr. Sandstein and his terrier, Peanut. He must have been outside walking him. The older man stopped me.
"Just wanted to say thank you, young man, for that delicious cake you made for my wife for her birthday last week. She’s still going on about it to everyone who calls."
“You’re more than welcome. I’m glad to hear she enjoyed it.”
“You’re a fine man, Ryan. My wife says it’s a shame you’re all alone in that big apartment. If you give her half a chance, she’ll fix you right up.”
That was what I was afraid of. If I couldn’t find a decent date without the assistance of my eighty-something year-old neighbor, then I was absolutely hopeless.