Page 26 of Vodka And Virtue
“I’ve taken Carlisle on two dates. I’m hoping for a third soon.”
He stared at me blankly, probably wondering if the name was a coincidence or not.
Shannon’s laugh was more than enough of an answer. Graham glared at his son before turning his icy stare on me.
“What the fuck are you doing with my nephew?”
Shannon only laughed harder.
I kicked him under the table.
“Courting him. Nothing more… Yet.”
“Have you lost your ever-loving mind?”
“No, have you?” I countered, not appreciating his tone or the look of horror and disbelief on his face.
“Carly is… He’s…” He looked at Shannon. “Help me out here.”
“He’s a grown man, Pop. Carly can make his own decisions without your interference.”
“You knew about this, didn’t you? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“There’s really nothing to tell, yet. They’ve only had two dates.”
Graham pinned me with his green eyes. “Is it really nothing? Or is it something?”
“It’s something. At least, for me, it is. I think Carlisle is struggling with coming to a decision about me.”
“As he should. You’re seventeen years older than him. You’re as different as two people can be.” Then he turned to Shannon. “Has he ever even dated a man before?” Shannon shook his head, trying to stifle his grin. “What a shit show.”
“I would appreciate it if you had a little more faith in me. And in your nephew. He’s smarter than you’re obviously giving him credit for. He’ll come to the right decision.”
“I’m sure he will. After I have a talk with him. And in the meantime, why don’t you tell me what your intentions are?”
“My intentions? I’m not trying to marry him. At least, not yet.” I paused when his eyes bugged out. “What do you want to know? I’m not using him for a good time. I wouldn’t dare do that to someone you loved.”
“So you’re serious about him? Does he know that?”
“I think he’s starting to.”
“Jesus Christ. I need another beer.”
Our friend from the tattoo shop approached our table. “Did someone say beer? Who’s buying?”
“Aries! What’s up, man? What are you doing here drinking in the middle of the day?” Shannon held out his hand, but Aries took it and pulled him in for a hug.
“I could ask you the same thing. I just finished up a five-hour back piece and figured I could use a break.” He rubbed the back of his neck and winced.
“Both our bars are closed today, so we decided to take out the bikes. Got thirsty,” I added.
Aries laughed. “The bars were closed so you ended up at another bar. That sounds suspiciously like you have a problem.”
This time, it was Graham that laughed. “You’re probably right, Aries. I never thought of it that way, but it sounds like we definitely have a problem.”
He held up his beer, and Shannon and I toasted him.