Page 54 of Vodka And Virtue
I heard him laugh. “My dick isn’t so big and heavy that I can’t lift it to take a piss without tearing my stitches. But thanks for the compliment, sweetness.”
I leaned against the door and rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. Also, I begged to differ with him. He was definitely thick and heavy enough to pop his stitches.
I’m a terrible person for thinking wicked thoughts about him while he was recovering from a stab wound. It’s like I had a one-track mind lately.
I heard the water run as he washed his hands, then the door opened, and Rory stood there, filling the entire door frame. With his sleep pants and a black tank top, bearded smirk and messy bed head, he looked like a sexy patient from a medical porn video.
Yeah, I definitely had a one-track mind.
Who could blame me? I had just gotten my first taste of him and now I had to put the brakes on.
”Let’s get you back to bed so I can make you breakfast.”
“Carly, you don’t have to cater to my every need. I don’t want you here to be my servant.” He hobbled to the bed, gingerly climbing in without straining his abdominal muscles. “I just wanted you to keep me company. I like having you around.”
That made me ridiculously happy to hear. “Don’t pretend like you don’t need an extra hand. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. If you truly wanted to treat me like a partner, you would allow yourself to rely on me.”
“Damn. All those good looks and brains, too. You’re absolutely right. Are you going to have breakfast in bed with me?”
“Maybe. If you promise to behave. I’ll be right back. Sit tight.” I handed him the remote, making sure he was comfortable before heading to the kitchen.
I tinkered around in his kitchen, familiarizing myself with what went where, the contents of his fridge and his cabinets and drawers, and the surprising quality of his cookware. I might actually be tempted to learn to cook better if I had a kitchen like this. With everything arranged on a tray, I carried his bacon and eggs with buttered toast back to his room.
“Wow, that smells fantastic. You’re spoiling me.”
“Well, you are a real life superhero, who sacrificed himself to save another. Breakfast is the very least I could do.”
His little laugh made me smile.
“And what’s the very most you could do?”
“You are in no condition to fool around, Gregory MacGregor. Eat your eggs and then we’ll get you washed up.”
“That sounds promising. A wash up involves getting naked.”
It seemed he also had a one-track mind. I was in good company.
The wash up was less than sexy. The pain on Rory’s face killed me. Every little twist and turn of his torso, even lifting his legs, made him wince. Despite the painkillers, he was hurting. Rory tried to put a brave face on, but I could see through his mask.
“You’re not going to hover over me all day with that pinched face, are you?”
Apparently, my tough bear hated to be fussed over. “Why don’t we go sit outside on the patio and get some fresh air?”
“Because it hurts too much to sit up. I think I might lay down and take a nap. Do you have any work you can get done or a book you can read?”
“Sure. Don’t worry about me. Go make yourself comfortable and I’ll be there in a minute. I’m just gonna clean this up.”
With a grunt and a second look, he agreed and shuffled off to bed. I grabbed my tablet out of my duffel bag and joined him, stretching my legs out and crossing them at the ankles. It took Rory a while to find a comfortable position. He seemed to favor lying on his good side, which happened to face me.
After playing on social media for a bit, I opened a book in my reading app, picking up where I last left off.
Rory trailed his hand up my thigh, inching closer to my groin. I pretended not to notice as I continued reading. He walked his fingers up to the waistband of my sleep pants and tugged at them suggestively. I willed myself not to react for fear he would take things too far and hurt himself. He wormed his way closer to my side, actively tugging my pants down my hips.
“Lift,” he grunted.
I lifted my butt to make things easier. When he had my pants scrunched around my hips, he licked a stripe down my soft cock. I peered at him over the edge of my tablet.
“What do you think you’re doing? I thought you were taking a nap.”