Page 3 of A Laird's Conquest
“I know of you, Captain Fairclough.” The marquis raised his visor to regard the man with eyes the colour of wet slate. “I gather you are to be commended for your fine management of this garrison in the absence of a lord.”
“Thank you, my lord. It has been my pleasure to serve as best I might.”
Katherine reached the captain’s side and dropped into a curtsey. “Welcome to Elborne, my lord.”
The marquis dismounted and offered her his hand. Katherine took it and rose.
“You will be Lady Katherine Bramwell?” He offered her a smile.
“I am, my lord. My brother, Sir John Bramwell, was previously Marquis of Otterburn.”
“So I gather. My condolences on your loss, Lady Katherine.”
“Thank you.” She forced her own mouth into what would have to pass for a smile. “May I show you to your chamber, my lord? All is in readiness for you and for the rest of your household, when they arrive.”
“There is no household, Lady Katherine. This is it.” He gestured to the knights who had by now joined him in the bailey and were dismounting, passing their horses into the care of the Elborne grooms. “My men will require accommodation in the guardroom.”
Katherine blinked.No household? No new marchioness?
“The guardroom?” he repeated when she did not immediately reply. “I trust that will prove convenient?”
“Oh, yes, of course. Captain Fairclough has organised all of that.” Katherine gathered her wits and her manners. “If you would come with me, my lord…”
Katherine knocked lightly on the door to the lord’s solar. It had been two hours since she had shown the new master of Elborne keep to his chamber and sent servants to see to his needs. He had had his squire assist him out of his armour, then he had bathed, she understood. The fires had been replenished, and she had instructed that wine and fruit be taken to his apartments since he must be hungry after his long journey. The evening meal was about to be served in the great hall, and she had come to inform him of that.
She entered the solar when he called out to do so.
She found him seated at the table, reading from a sheet of parchment. He looked up when she entered.
“My apologies, I did not mean to disturb you, my lord.”
“Please, call me Stephen.” He smiled at her again. “May I call you Katherine?”
“Of course, my lord. I…I mean, Stephen. I just wanted to let you know that we are ready to eat.”
“Ah, then you are waiting for me.”
“There is no hurry,” she assured him.
“In that case, could I detain you for a moment or two?”
She stiffened. “Is there a problem, Sir Stephen?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Sir?”
“I am sorry. I shall become accustomed to the informality in time, I am sure. What may I do for you, Stephen?”
He gestured to her to sit. Once she had made herself comfortable, he shoved the parchment across the table and turned it around for her to read it. Katherine immediately recognised the royal seal.
“This is from the king?”
“It is. And its contents concern you, Katherine. And me.”
“I do not understand.”
“Then, I suggest you read it.”
She arched an eyebrow at him, then proceeded to do as he advised. A few minutes later, she raised her gaze to meet this. “We are to marry.”