Page 27 of Savage Lovers
“Her boy? You mean Marlon?”
He manages a slight nod, but his eyelids are drooping. He’s drifting out of consciousness. If I lose him, he’ll be gone for good, and there’s more I want to know now he’s seen the wisdom of talking to me.
I grab the front of his jacket and give him a shake. He opens his eyes, tries to focus. I don’t have long, seconds at the most.
“Her name?” I demand.
“Can’t… She will kill me…”
“You’re already dead, you miserable fuck. Or as near as makes no difference. Don’t make it harder on yourself. Tell me her name.”
“I… I cannot…”
I give Moses a nod, and he stamps on the bullet wound again. This time the man barely reacts at all beyond a pained grunt.
“Her name,” I growl. “Tell me her fucking name.” I rip his bloodstained jacket open to expose the shoulder wound and dig my thumb into it.
The added encouragement has the desired effect. “K-Kira…” he splutters.
“And the rest,” I snarl. “Her full name.”
“Semyonova,” he mumbles, his words slurred, his voice cracking. “The Widow.”
They are the last words he speaks. His eyes glaze over. He’s gone.
Good fucking riddance. I have what I want. I release my grip and wipe my hands on his shirt. “Let’s get—”
“Drop your guns.”
I whirl to see Ruth Lowison in the cell doorway. She has a gun, a Russian RDh-12 if I’m not mistaken. I assume she helped herself to it from one of the downed attackers littering the corridor. I’ve no idea if she even knows how to fire it, but it looks suitably lethal. I’m taking no chances.
“Ruth, you need to put that down…”
“No.Youneed to drop your weapons, both of you.” Her voice is strong and steady.
I should have given her a bigger dose, obviously.
Moses sends a glance my way, silently asking if I want him to charge her. I shake my head. He’d never make it in time, and there’s a fair chance we’d both end up as dead as our friend on the floor.
“This isn’t what you think,” I begin.
“I know what I saw. You tortured that man. You shot him. All of them.” She glares at me. “You’re under arrest.”
“I’m what?” I gape at her, for once lost for words. “Really?”
“Is she serious?” Moses asks.
“She’s fucking deluded,” I reply. “That sodium thiopental must have been stronger than I thought.”
She takes a step forward. “I said, drop your weapons.” She swings the handgun between the pair of us, but I can see the shake of her hands, the near-panic in her eyes..
Will she actually fire? Has she ever shot anyone before?
Can I take that risk?
I’m spared the need to put it to the test. Another figure appears in the doorway behind her.
Tony meets my gaze. I raise my hand, palm out, signalling him to wait.