Page 61 of Savage Lovers
“Can you stay at Caernbro Ghyll to look after her?”
“I can, as long as nothing happens at Caraksay that requires me to go back there in a hurry.”
“I’ll talk to Ethan.”
“No need. I already did, and he cleared it. He sends his best wishes.”
Ethan Savage understands loyalty, knows that it cuts both ways. It’s good to know he has my back.
“When can we go back to the mansion?”
“She’ll be in theatre for a little while yet, and I’d like her to stay here overnight for observation. If she does well over the next few hours, we can take it from there.”
It makes sense. I nod.
Megan hesitates for a moment, then, “I’m not sure how things are, between you and Jenna, I mean. But I asked them to put a spare bed in her room. I assume you’ll be staying with her.”
I have plenty to do, lots to be getting on with, but for now I’m leaving that to Rome. Therewillbe a reckoning. Whoever did this to my woman will pay. I intend to kill the bastard who laid their vicious paws on her, there’s no doubt about that. But for now I have other priorities.
“Oh, yes. I’ll be staying.”
Once the commotionwith Tony has died down and the helicopter has disappeared over the horizon, I make a beeline for Aaron’s office. Ethan is already there when I tap on the door and enter.
“Ah. We were just about to send for you.” Ethan gestures to the chocolate-coloured leather sofa opposite the one he’s seated on.
I take the seat offered but decline coffee. I’m already quite wired enough. “I need to be getting back to the mansion, but I wanted a word with Aaron first.”
“I know.” My boss levels his gaze on me. “About your awkward houseguest.”
I nod slowly.
Aaron joins us, taking a seat next to me. “I talked to Beth.”
He has my full attention. “Oh? And?”
He shakes his head. “She refuses to see Ruth.”
“She what? But why? She can’t…” I gape at him. This I never expected. The possibility never entered my head.
“Believe me, I’m as surprised as you are,” Aaron continues. “I expected some…uncertainty, but she outright refuses. Won’t even consider it.”
“I don’t understand. I mean, sure, she’s shocked, but she’ll come around to the idea…”
“We talked for most of the night. She’s adamant. She insists her mother is Faith, in every way that matters. She doesn’t want to upset her, or Jacob. She thinks the past should be left alone.”
I always knew Beth was close to her adoptive mother. Faith Sampson came to Caraksay with Beth and Jacob and is still here, probably permanently.
“Does Beth know her birth mother is actually dying?” The first stirrings of desperation can probably be heard in my voice. “She doesn’t have long…”
“Beth says she wishes her no ill-will. Nor Ruth, either, but she’s not shifting. She thinks it would be disloyal to the woman who brought her up.”
“Lots of people have tangled families,” I protest. “Once she’s thought about it, processed the news, surely she’ll agree to at least see Ruth.”
Aaron returns my gaze. “She might, that’s true. And I’ll keep on asking her. But I can’t guarantee anything. She does seem pretty set on this.” He pauses to exchange a look with his brother, our mutual boss. The man who ultimately calls the shots. “I wouldn’t hold my breath, bro.”