Page 67 of Savage Lovers
She reaches for my hand. “I need to thank you. And your friend. Megan told me what you did, how you found me.”
“No thanks needed.” How could she even imagine I wouldn’t have pulled out all the stops? Even so, we were fucking lucky. If Molly hadn’t phoned me as quickly she did… “Do you feel up to talking about it?”
The smile dies on her face. “Not really. I can’t remember much, to be honest.”
I’m not entirely buying that. She’s holding back, but I need to know what. And why. I start with what I know for sure.
“We found you in the boot of your car outside a converted warehouse. You must have driven there. Why did you do that, Jenna?”
She shakes her head. “I don’t remember.”
“Do you know someone called Felix Fuller? He has an office in the warehouse.”
“I don’t think so. Why are you asking about him?”
She’s lying to me. I can see it in her eyes. But why?
“We found your jacket in his rubbish. How did he get hold of it?”
“I don’t know.”
I’m less and less convinced with every word she says. “Did he take it from you?”
She shakes her head.
“So, you took it off. Why, Jenna?”
“It…it was hot,” she offers.
“So, you do remember taking your coat off?”
She nods.
“Before or after you went into the warehouse?”
Ah, so now we’re getting somewhere. “Who was with you when you went inside?”
“No one.”
“So, you went in alone? Willingly?”
“I…” She realises her mistake. She’s panicking, trying to backpedal. “I’m tired. My head aches.”
I look to Megan for assurance that she’s all right to continue.
“Could this wait?” she asks.
“Just one more question.” I don’t want to upset Jenna any more than she is already, but I need to understand what happened, and the sooner the better. “Why did you go to Fuller’s office?”
Her lip trembles. “You’ll be angry.”
“Will I? Why would that be?” At least she’s not lying anymore. I reach for her hand. “You can trust me, Jenna. Tell me why you were there.”
Her gaze drops to our joined fingers. “I went to pay him money.”
I manage to conceal my surprise fairly well, I think. “Did you owe it to him?”