Page 18 of Heart of Stone
“A chance at us,” he whispered. Stone reached across the console and pulled her hand into his own. “I like you, Jo, and I want to do more than just kiss you in my kitchen.”
“But your leg,” she interrupted.
“My leg has nothing to do with what I want to do to you, honey. My leg will be just fine,” he assured. “Say yes, Jo,” he begged.
“I won’t make you any promises, Stone,” she said. “I know that this will be just a fling for you, but I’ve never done anything like that. I’d like to try though, so, yes.” Hearing her call what he wanted from her “A fling” pissed him off. Stone thought about correcting her but then thought better of it. If she was giving him a chance, he wouldn’t fight about semantics right now. He’d save that argument for later.
“Tonight, when we get home, move into my room with me,” he said. He wasn’t really asking her, but he hoped like hell that she’d agree to his demand.
“All right,” she said, “but if this doesn’t work out, I’m moving back to the spare room. I won’t leave you until you’re ready.”
“How long do I have?” he asked. He didn’t want to put a time frame on what he was asking her for, but he needed to know what he was working with.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“How long do you think you’ll have to stay with me?” he asked.
“Oh, um, about two weeks,” she said. “Why?”
“I like a time frame,” he said. “It lets me know what kind of time I’m working with. So, if things go well, you’ll stay in my room for two weeks,” he said.
“Yes, if they fall apart, you’ll have to put up with me sticking around for two weeks of therapy. Do we have a deal?”
He didn’t even have to think about his answer. “We do,” he agreed.
“Perfect timing,” she whispered, pulling into the driveway to the address he’d given her. “We’re here and I’d prefer not to talk about any of this in front of your family.” Stone wondered if she wanted to keep their budding relationship a secret to save herself the embarrassment of admitting that they were going to be together or if it was to save him from having to explain it all to his sisters.
“Okay,” he agreed. “No problem.” He grabbed his crutches and got out of her car, not wanting to waste any time. He was going to meet the woman Austin found and then, he was finally going to get his chance with Jolene. He just hoped that she didn’t change her mind before he got her back to his place.
“Hey you too,” Lulah said, giving Stone a quick hug. Bobbie did the same and said hello to Jo.
“Ready to do this?” Bobbie asked.
“No,” Stone grumbled.
“I’ll wait in the car and give you all some space,” Jolene offered.
“Are you sure?” Stone asked. “I’ve already told you everything that there is to know about my crazy family. You wouldn’t be intruding,” he promised.
“No, this is a private matter. I’m sure that you three will want to meet your grandmother together.”
“Supposed grandmother,” Stone corrected. He was holding his judgment of the woman until after he had concrete proof that she was who she claimed to be.
“Right, well, I’m sure that you three can handle things from here. I’ll be waiting in the car,” Jo insisted.
“We won’t be long,” Stone said. His sisters shook their heads at him and he started for the front door of the little house before them. He didn’t have time to spare on their disappointment. If he planned on getting Jo back to his place and into his bed, he’d need to hurry this meeting up.
Bobbie was practically bouncing around and she was the first to get to the front door and knock on it. “Don’t knock the damn thing down,” Stone shouted from behind.
“Stop being such a sour puss,” Lulah insisted. “You’ll scare our new grandmother away.”
“If she’s anything like the two of you, that won’t be possible,” Stone grumbled. An older woman pulled the door open, still wearing her pajamas and robe.
“Can I help you three?” she asked.
“We’re not sure,” Bobbie said. “We think that you might be our grandmother.” Jesus, his sister was jumping right into the deep end with this thing.
“Bobbie,” Stone shouted.