Page 23 of Heart of Stone
Stone grabbed his wallet and car keys, ready to head out the door to therapy. Honestly, he wasn’t sure if he was excited to see Jolene or scared out of his mind. He’d given her some space, but it had been two days and he was going out of his mind not seeing her. Stone was used to having her in his space and now that she wasn’t there anymore, he actually missed her. That wasn’t something he was expecting or something that he knew how to deal with. He wasn’t a relationship kind of guy, so he wasn’t sure what his next move should be with Jolene. Did he just walk into their therapy session and ask her to be his girlfriend, or go steady or something like that? He’d look like a complete fool if he did something like that. No, he needed a better plan, and he knew what he had to do if he wanted one—call his sisters. Better yet, he knew that Bobbie was over at Lulah’s place and he had just enough time to drive out there and talk to them both and then get to his therapy appointment on time.
He got to his sister’s farm and parked outside the back kitchen door. He hoped that they were both in a good mood because he really needed both of their advice. “Lulah, Bobbie,” he called into the kitchen as he walked through the back screen door. Apparently, Austin owned the farm before he met Lulah and when they got married, she moved in with him, deciding that the country life was for her. That life really seemed to suit his sister, and he wondered if his lifestyle would suit Jolene.
“Hey,” Lulah said, ducking her head into the kitchen. “What are you doing here?”
“I need help,” he said. “Is Bobbie here too?”
“I am,” his other sister followed Lulah into the kitchen and pulled him in for a hug. He wasn’t sure that he’d ever get used to his sister’s hugging him all the time, but he had to admit, he was coming to like it. He liked having sisters, even if he was still getting to know them both.
“What’s this about you needing help?” Lulah asked.
“Well, it’s not really help—more like advice,” he admitted. “I have my first therapy session with Jo since she moved out on Friday. We haven’t spoken since then, and I’m not sure how to persuade her to be my girlfriend.”
Bobbie giggled and he worried that she was going to give him some shit. “It’s about time,” she teased. “Lulah and I couldn’t believe that you actually let her walk out of your place. She’s perfect for you and you were an idiot for letting her leave.” She wasn’t telling him anything that he didn’t already know. He had been an idiot for letting her go, but he wasn’t going to make that mistake again.
“You’re not wrong about me being an idiot. I should have stopped her, but she went on about me only being a job for her, and it kind of hurt,” Stone admitted.
“I’m sure that it did, but you know she was just protecting herself,” Lulah said. “After you slept with her, did you talk about feelings or any of that mushy stuff?”
“Who says that I slept with her?” he asked, causing both of his sisters to laugh at him. “You two are witches.”
“It doesn’t take a witch to see that the two of you have done the deed,” Bobbie teased. He guessed that she was right. Anyone who had seen him and Jolene together would have seen their chemistry.
“Okay, so we slept together,” he grumbled, “but, she still left me. How do I fix that?”
“When do you have therapy?” Bobbie asked.
“Today, in about forty minutes,” Stone said, checking his watch.
“That’s perfect,” Lulah said. “You need to stop being a stubborn ass and tell Jolene that you screwed up. Admitting that you’re in love with her isn’t a bad idea either. You do love her, don’t you?” she asked. That was a question that he had grappled with over the weekend and he had come to the conclusion that he was in fact in love with Jolene. He had never been in love in his life, but there was an ache in his chest that didn’t seem to go away while she wasn’t with him. He knew that he was in love with her before they even jumped into bed together, he was just avoiding having to admit it to anyone—even himself.
“I’m in love with her,” he almost whispered. Bobbie and Lulah jumped up and down, squealing and clapping like freaking cheerleaders and all he could do was roll his eyes at them.
“We knew it,” Bobbie insisted.
“Sure you did, now can we get on with the part where you give me advice?” he asked. “I need to get going if I’m going to drive back to town in time for my appointment with Jo.”
“Sure,” Lulah said, “so, we were up to the part where you walk in there and admit that you have feelings for her and were an idiot for letting her walk out of your life. Then, you should spring the “L word” on her and ask her.”
“Ask her what?” he asked.
“Well, that depends on what you want from her,” Bobbie said. “What do you want from her?”
“I want everything,” he said. “I want her to move back in with me and spend the rest of her life with me.”
“You want her to marry you, don’t you?” Lulah asked.
“I do,” he admitted. “I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but I think that I’m ready to settle down and I want to do that with Jolene.”
“Well, then, I think that you have your answer,” Lulah said. “Go tell her everything that you just told us.”
“She’s right,” Bobbie agreed, “tell Jolene everything you just told us, and you won’t be alone much longer.”
“He’s not alone now,” Lulah countered, “he has us.” Bobbie and Lulah both hugged him from the side, and he thanked them for their help.
“You guys are pretty awesome,” he said, “thanks for the advice.”