Page 31 of Heart of Stone
“Which was?” she asked.
“Which was that he had sex with you and was dumping you. I wanted to beat the shit out of him. Hell, I went to college madder than hell that he took you out, but I eventually forgave him. You became the one who got away,” he almost whispered.
“Why didn’t you ever look me up?” she asked.
“Because of my job, really. I joined the FBI and well, I’m not in one place for very long. Plus, my job is dangerous and I never thought that would warrant me a relationship, so I never tried to have one,” he admitted.
“Do you still travel a lot?” she asked.
“Yes,” Anders said. “Whiskey and I are on the same team and we’re leaving in the morning for a case.”
“Are you allowed to tell me where you’re going or is that classified?” she teased.
“Not really,” he said. “I mean, I can tell you that I’m going to Mexico, but I might have to kill you.” Texas couldn’t help the girly laughter that filled the air around them. God, she was being such a cliché tonight. Pulling off nervous schoolgirl wasn’t usually in her wheelhouse, but tonight, she played the role perfectly.
“How long will you be gone?” she asked. “On your trip to Mexico.”
Anders shrugged, “Not sure,” he breathed. “Could be a few days to a week, maybe more. Why?” he asked.
Now it was her turn to shrug her answer. “Just wondering if or when I’ll get my second date.” She watched him, waiting for him to protest giving her another date and when he smiled at her, Anders nearly took her breath away. It was something he’d always been able to do. He had this way about him—something that made her think of a cowboy mixed with a little bit of bad boy biker. Whatever it was, he completely turned her on, and not getting another chance with him wasn’t something she wanted to think about.
“How about next Saturday?” Anders asked.
“But I thought you didn’t know when you’d be back in town,” Texas protested. He was giving her exactly what she wanted and she was trying to talk him out of it.
“I’ll have a jet at my disposal and can catch a flight home for the weekend, as long as I have a reason to come home,” he said. “Want to be my reason to come home, Texas?” Anders asked.
She didn’t even have to consider her answer—she knew it before the words were even out of her mouth. “Yes,” she breathed. “I’d love to go out with you again next Saturday, Anders,” Texas agreed.
“Then it’s settled,” he said. Anders checked his watch and frowned. “I hate to cut the night short, but I do have an early morning flight.”
“Oh,” she breathed, suddenly feeling very self-conscious again. Texas wondered just what Anders was going to want from her at the end of their date. He had hinted at kissing her in the morning but they were nowhere near ready to spend the night together. She only just found him again and she didn’t want to rush things with Anders.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized.
“No,” she said. “I don’t mind. I have an early morning too,” she said.
“Please tell me that you’re an undercover spy and you have a secret mission to go on,” Anders teased. Texas was sure he was going to find her a whole lot more boring than that once she told him what she did for a living.
“I’m definitely not a spy,” she giggled. “I’m a preschool teacher,” she said. “I work with four-year-olds.”
“Wow,” Anders breathed. “I never pegged you as someone who would want to work with kids,” he said.
“Really?” she asked. “What did you imagine I’d turn out to be?” Anders smiled at her again and stroked his thumb over her hand and she thought that was the sweetest gesture.
“Well, I thought you’d be a scientist or something like that. I remember sitting next to you in biology and I remember you loving that class,” he said.
Texas giggled, “Yeah well if we’re being completely honest here, that had more to do with who I was sitting next to and less to do with the subject being taught. Heck, I studied my ass off for that class”
“Oh,” Anders said. “I see. Well, if we’re going with complete honesty, I copied off you quite a few times, so I appreciate you studying that sweet little ass off for biology, Honey.”
“I knew it,” she said. “I knew you were copying off of me, I just didn’t care,” she said.
“I appreciate that,” Anders said. “If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have passed that class and gotten into college.”
“Glad I could help,” Texas laughed.
Anders paid their bill and walked her out to her car, her stomach roiling with nervous butterflies. “So, next Saturday?” she asked.