Page 4 of Heart of Stone
Jacob rolled his eyes at her, “I won’t forget to shower,” he mumbled. “I’m in a better place now, sis,” he said. “All because of you.”
“Well, I just demanded showers, and that was actually for my well-being more than yours,” she said.
“So, this house call—is it a guy?” he asked. “Because you usually don’t spray perfume on just to go to work. You wouldn’t waste it for no good reason.” Damn it—why did she spray on her favorite perfume. He was right, she wouldn’t waste it on just anyone, but Stone Granger wasn’t just anyone. He was hot. Sure, he was a grumpy mess right now, but he was hot and that helped her get past his grouchy exterior.
“I’d really love to stay and chat, but I’m running late, and my client can be a real grouch when I’m late,” she said. That part was the truth. She had been an hour late for their first meeting. Apparently, his nurse, who also seemed to have the hots for him, told Stone that PT was on their way, and he was sitting in his chair, ready for over an hour. Jo wanted just five minutes in a utility closet with that nurse bitch, just to set her straight. They weren’t supposed to get a patient ready for PT until the therapist was actually on the floor. So, when she did show up for Stone’s first appointment, he was in pain and good and pissed about having to still do physical therapy. She couldn’t blame him—she was pissed about the mix-up too if that’s what it actually was. If she had to guess, his nurse was nixing any possible competition that she might have at getting her chance with him.
“I’ll let you off the hook for now,” her brother offered, “but tonight, if you want details about my job interview, I’ll expect details about your hot house call.”
“Well, that’s just not playing fair, Jacob,” Jo insisted.
“No one said that I would agree to play fair, sis,” he said. “Have a good day.” He kissed her cheek.
“You too, and good luck with your interview,” she said.
* * *
Jo drove up to the address that she had been given by her boss. The place was in the middle of nowhere and it was the strangest house she’d ever seen. There was nothing around it—just a two-story house, out in the middle of a field, and it looked completely out of place.
“This isn’t crazy murderer scary,” she whispered to herself. Honestly, it looked like a place where a serial killer would hide out. The closest town was twenty minutes out and there was no one around to hear her scream if Stone should choose to kill her during their home visit. The problem was, there would be no one around to hear him scream if he found himself in some kind of trouble. What if he had fallen getting out of the shower? No one would find him for days, most likely. And damn it, now she was picturing the hunky Texas Ranger naked, laying on the floor in his bathroom.
She pulled her bag of equipment from the passenger seat and lugged it out of the car behind her as she got out. She hated home visits because she had to carry all of her gear with her. Usually, she found herself without items that she didn’t anticipate needing and had to cut her visit short. She just hoped that she brought the necessary things for this visit because a trip back to finish his therapy would take a good chunk of time out of her day.
Jo tugged her equipment up the front steps and rang the doorbell. It felt as though she stood on the front porch forever before Stone pulled it open to scowl out at her. “I was beginning to worry about you,” she breathed. “I’m Jolene Lewis, from the hospital, here to do your physical therapy with you, Mr. Granger.”
“First, I’m not one of your older patients who wouldn’t remember you, Ms. Lewis. Second, call me Stone. My father was Mr. Granger, and he was a two-timing son of a bitch.”
“Well, on that note, do you mind if I come in and get set up Stone?” she asked.
He stepped to the side, so she could get through the door. He was unsuccessfully using a cane that she hadn’t graduated him to yet. “Where are your crutches?” she asked as she brushed past him.
“Ditched them,” he said.
“Your leg isn’t weight-bearing yet,” she reminded, “and, I didn’t give you permission to use a cane.”
“Don’t need anyone’s permission,” he said. “I do what I want.”
“Obviously,” she breathed to herself. “Where should I set up?” she asked.
“Up those few steps and to the right,” he said, “in the family room.” She followed his instructions and noted that the place looked like it could use a good cleaning. He had pizza boxes and beer cans strewn everywhere around the room.
“Sorry, the cleaning lady had off and with me not getting around so well, I can’t clean up after myself.”
“How much trouble have you had getting around, Stone?” she asked.
“Well, quite a bit, but then, I ditched the crutches and it’s been easier. My leg just hurts like a bitch now that I’m using it more with the cane,” he admitted. She had a bad feeling about the damage that he’d done by switching himself to a cane and going against the doctor’s orders.
“Why didn’t you call the hospital and tell them that you needed more help? They would have sent me over sooner. I can even move in here with you to help with your daily routine until you’re ready to do things on your own.”
“That’s just not necessary,” he insisted.
She gave him a smirk and told him to sit down. He did as she asked, which was quite a change from the guy who liked to question everything that she made him do during the few therapy sessions that they had together.
“It’s only been a week since you’ve been shot,” she said. She started to pull up his shorts, to reveal his bandages and his hand stopped her progress.
“What the hell are you doing, Jolene?” he asked.
“Call me Jo, and I’m going to change your bandages and check your wound. I do that at every one of our therapy sessions now that you’ve been released from the hospital. It used to be your nurse’s job, but now it’s mine.”