Page 28 of Just Mr. Love
Kyle:Turn on the news.
I fire up my dish and flip to the news channel. The screen is flashing red:Alert– Shelter in Place Issued for Los Angeles.The scene streaming is utter chaos—people burning buildings, throwing bricks, fighting in the streets.
“I didn’t know it was an election year,” I say to myself.
Oh. Shit.Who leaked this?
I call Kyle, who picks up immediately. “So you saw it.”
“Yeah. What the hell happened?”
“Morris saw your appearance on the news and called your bluff. That’s what happened. He probably figured out it was a trap. So…great job.”
I’d like to talk to Kyle about hisgreat job—lying, manipulating, etc., but now’s not the time.
He adds, “Morris has doubled his price. He wants ten billionplusthe data sheets for every chemical MJP dumped into that pond.”
That’s a tall freaking order. “And if you don’t?”
“He claims he just poisoned Atlanta.”
“What happened to Dallas?” I ask.
“He knew we’d be taking measures to prevent him from tainting their water. Now we have five hours to comply, or he’s going to inform Atlanta that they’re all going to die.”
Christ, man. Morris is playing “take no prisoners.” From the looks of what’s going on in LA, just the mere hint of their water being poisoned won’t be good. People are completely going apeshit.
“He also lit the Empire State Building on fire and took full credit,” Kyle adds.
“What thehellis the matter with this guy?” He’s the biggest attention whore I’ve ever met. Sadly, he’s also the smartest person I’ve ever met. Not a good combo.
“He wants us to know he’s serious,” Kyle explains. “Also, he wants you eliminated. He took that interview as a threat, and since he doesn’t need you any longer…”
“Kyle, I’m not going to fake my death again—”
“No one said anything about faking, Huff.”
Takes a moment, but I catch on. “Dude. For real? They want to let him kill me?” I’m not sure whotheyare, but I can imagine the list: feds, governor of Georgia, Empire State Building fan club.
“What am I going to do?” I mutter, to myself.
“You’re the genius who went public and tried to draw Morris out.”
I tilt back my head. This is all happening because I didn’t kill Morris when I had the chance. “You have to tell me where he might be. Tell me what you know.”
I’m hoping that despite all of Kyle’s lies, this just might be a common goal. “I need to take him out.”
“Think you have the balls?” Kyle asks.
“Yep. Two big ones. Probably way bigger than yours, but who’s measuring?”Me, that’s who.Kyle always tries to stomp on my self-confidence, but I’m done. As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same goes for men. So now’s the time to start construction.
“Aren’t you the funny little man, Huff,” he says with a bite. “I’ll tell you on one condition.”