Page 43 of Just Mr. Love
“Look, guys,” I say, “I really have to get back to River. She can’t be left alone in her current state.” God only knows what she’s doing right now—maybe having her way with a tree or making good on her threat to go bang a few strangers in town.
My stomach clamps down on itself. The thought of anyone touching her makes me sick. And furious. And jealous.
“But, son,” Dad says, “I think Morris is right. You really should give him some of yoursecret sauce. It could be the only way to find a cure for River.”
“And for you, too, Huff,” Mom adds. “Wouldn’t you like to get your life back? Be normal again? Live in peace without the world chasing you?”
Maybe. Maybe not, but Morris is just going to hand over the formula to Kyle in order to get Keni back. Then what?
“Morris, did you say you had a plan to get your sister freed?” I ask.
“Who has your sister?” Mom asks.
“Kyle took her,” I reply.
“What!” Mom reaches for her phone.
“What are you doing?” I ask.
“I’m going to make your brother give her back!”
“Mom, don’t tell him anything! He can’t know we’re here—”
Too late.
“Kyle, this is your mother,” she growls like it’s a threat and starts rambling away. “I just heard about what you’ve been up to. I want you to give that young man’s sister back this instant! And you stop using your brother for all your political warmongering stuff. He is not your lab rat. I’m very ashamed of you, Kyle.”
She listens for a moment.
“Yes, your brother is here with his friend Morris,” she says.
“He’s not my friend,” I protest.
“Thanks,” Morris says.
Mom goes on, talking to Kyle, ignoring me and Morris. “Well, Huff says you’re trying to kill him so you can make more like him, but I don’t believe you’d hurt your baby brother.”
She goes silent, listening.
“Oh.” Her mouth flaps. “But you can’t possibly mean tha—”
Silent, listening.
“All right. I’ll tell your dad.” She ends the call.
“What did he say?” I ask.
She looks at Dad. “Kyle says hello.” She turns to me. “And yep, he said he would absolutely sacrifice you for the greater good of the country.”
“W-well, that’s outrageous! Let me talk to him!” Dad holds out his hand, but Mom sets the phone on the table.
“I think he’s too far gone, honey. He’s turned into a power-hungry monster.” Mom looks at me. “Huff, sweetie, give Morris your semen.” She looks at Morris. “You can find a cure, yes?”
“I’ll try.” Morris nods eagerly.
“Mom, you don’t understand,” I protest. “If Morris figures out how I was transformed, he’ll—”
“I’ll save River,” Morris interjects. “And if you’re no longer needed by Kyle and the government, they’ll leave you alone. Plus, I’ll get my sister back.”