Page 60 of Just Mr. Love
Three hours later, I’ve officially become an environmental terrorist and knocked down a few acres of Amazonian trees. I figured it was better than ripping off people’s heads, specifically River’s. I couldn’t get the image out of my head of her lying there with that guy.
I’m calmer now, back in control, but I’m barely maintaining composure.I left her for a few days, and she hooks up with some other guy?
Then there’s the fact that Luna disappeared. Where did she even go?
This is such a fucking mess.
I consider going back to River, but I’m not ready to face her yet. I’m not ready to face how I failed her again and how she was going crazy after we had sex because I poisoned her. I’m not ready to tell her that in all likelihood, she’ll need another fix, or she’ll die. I’m not ready to hear that she was so traumatized by being taken by Kyle that she felt the need to seek comfort in the arms of another guy.
I am only ready for one thing.
I zip to my parents’ house. It’s three in the morning, so I try not to make noise. I find Mom’s address book and then search the internet for a photo.
I close my eyes and envision going to Kyle’s. I have a score to settle with my brother, and it’s time to end this.
I blink, and I roll my eyes.Figures.Kyle’s DC townhouse is pretty posh, complete with security cameras and motion-activated floodlights. The question is, is he home?
I go right up to the door and ring the bell. I’m not here to be sly, sneak attack, or draw him out. This shit’s happening man-to-man. Face-to-face. Out in the open.
After a few moments, the lights upstairs come on. “I know you see me, Kyle. Get out here and face me like a man, you pussy!”
Nothing happens, so I yell, “I’m going to rip off that tiny dick of yours and shove it up your asshole, you motherfucker! Get down here.” He thinks he can kidnap River, threaten my parents, and try to have me killed, and I won’t have something to say about it? “Kyle! You sack of shit! Come out here, or I’ll come inside.”
Suddenly, I hear an elderly woman’s voice echo from the window. “Son, there is no Kyle here. You have the wrong house.”
“Oh, isn’t this one-one-three Jefferson Circle?”
“No. This is Jefferson Place.”
Oops.“Sorry about the noise, ma’am.”
I pull up my phone and try again, this time with the correct address. I zip straight there, but after ringing the bell, I can tell no one’s home, so I leave a note: I’m coming for you, Kyle, and there’s nowhere you can run.I sign it with a little heart.That’s right, Just Mr. Love has you on his shitlist, buddy.
I’m about to go back to River when that nagging feeling in my gut acts up. She begged me to get Sam out of Clover. He’s the last person I want to help, but fuck me, I kind of have to. I’ve put River through so much already, and leaving him there isn’t going to make things better between us.
God, I’m such a sucker.I rip off what’s left of my scrubs after lumber-therapy and check that my bulletproof vest is secure. I visualize Clover and zip right into Sam’s room, but Sam isn’t in it.
“Great.” I open the door to look for him—and I’m greeted by a wall of men in camo with guns. They’re all facing away, getting yelled at by Kyle.
“You find that girl! And then you find my fucking brother and kill…” Kyle’s voice trails off the moment he notices me standing there. The men turn, reaching for their weapons, but freeze like they’re usure what to do. Shoot me? Run? Surrender?
“You actually came in person to see I’m killed properly?” I say. I don’t know why I’m surprised. Kyle was always the guy who wanted to be at the center of attention.
“Want a job done right, gotta get your hands dirty,” he replies.
“Dirty is the perfect word to describe you, Kyle.” I know I can take him. I can go right around these guys, come up behind him, and snap his neck.
Do it, Huff,I tell myself.Do it.He tried to have me killed. He still wants me dead. He took River. He had my parents’ house raided. He terrorized millions of people with his poisoned-water hoax. Kyle is a bad, bad man.
I can do this. I can kill him.I zip around the men and grab hold of Kyle.
I don’t know why, but I take us straight to Joy’s grave.
“Fucking Huff! Take me back,” Kyle yells.
“Or what, Kyle? What will you do? Put Mom and Dad in jail? Have me locked away for experiments?”
It’s dark out, but I see the subtle look of worry in his hard facade. He’s realizing he’s stuck here without help. He’s at my mercy.