Page 66 of Just Mr. Love
Luna disappears, and it doesn’t even faze me that she’s just traveled halfway around the world in two seconds, holding a half-eaten burger. Totally normal.
One month later…
“I’ve had some revelations,” I tell Luna while we’re sitting at the café she loves in Rome, overlooking the Palazzo Farnese with its “historic murals and inlaid gold ceilings”—I googled it. I appreciate how she’s constantly exploring (discreetly) interesting places to meet up because we think her house might still be under surveillance.
She sips from her tiny espresso cup, wearing a yellow sundress and white sandals, looking like a happy tourist. “Can’t wait to hear it.”
“I’m going back to finish my degree, and then I’m applying to law school.”
“Seriously?” She smiles, tucking a lock of brown and gold hair behind her ear. “That’s great news!”
It is. Even better, Kyle’s officially under investigation. I was contacted by a few men from the government who claim Kyle and his cronies were acting on their own. Major powerplay with lots of moving parts. Thankfully, though, it turns out there are still a few rational people left in power who absolutely do not want more Huffs. They understand the broader implications.Good news. Though, it creates a different issue: Luna. And the vial I have. They can’t find out about either even though chances are they will eventually.Just a question of time…
Until then, I’ve been given assurances that as long as I cooperate with Kyle’s investigation and don’t pose a threat, I’ll be left alone.
Do I believe them even if I went to the White House and heard it from the horses’ mouths?
Nope. Pure. Horse shit.
My guess is that they know they’re better off being on friendly terms versus threatening me or making me their enemy. But I know a day will come when they’ll either want a favor or turn against me.
In the meantime, I have to push forward with my own plans. Despite how things ended with River, she was right. My life, my happiness, and my future are heavily weighted on my decisions. I can either allow my situation to stuff my head with fear and ruin my life, or I can take ownership of the things within my control.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Huff?” Luna asks. “I mean, wow. Living out in the open like a regular guy?”
I sip my creamy latte. I can’t lie; Luna and her Italian haunts have ruined my taste for Dunkin. “If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t. But I have to try. Being a lawyer is what I’ve always dreamed of.”
“What about Kyle?”
Luna knows about the threat I made to Kyle and how I disclosed I have the formula. I don’t think he’s done with me yet, but the fact there are more of me out there is keeping him quiet for now. He knows that it doesn’t matter if he’s locked up (with two broken legs). I can get to him anywhere, anytime.
“I’m not going to live my life being afraid of my brother.”
“That’s right,” she proclaims. “Should be the other way around.” Lula finishes off her espresso and places the cup on the saucer, her eyes lingering on the table for a long moment. I can tell something’s on her mind.
“What’s wrong?”
“I have to tell you something. I hope you won’t be mad, but I couldn’t say no.”
“You’re not going public, are you?”
“No. Hell no. I’m not crazy. But River and Sam reached out. They’ve filed multiple lawsuits against the government, Kyle, and Clover.”
I hate hearing the words “River and Sam.”
Luna goes on, “They asked me to document their journey. River thinks they’ll be safer if they stay in the public eye and do weekly updates.”
“So like a vlog or something?”
“Actually, I talked to a couple of producers. They’re willing to pay big bucks for the rights to their story. Kind of a reality TV thing. They want you to be a part of the show, Huff.”
I tilt my head. “What is in that coffee?”
“I’m serious, Huff. The producers think that if they can tell your story, too, it’s going to maximize the audience.”
“No. Absolutely not.” I have zero interest in becoming that sort of celebrity, and I don’t know why Luna would ask me to. “You should say no. What if people find out you’re like me?”
“River and Sam promised they’d keep my secret. And I trust them.”