Page 30 of Carnal Vows
“You guys look nice, too,” I return rather lamely. For some reason, I blush like an idiot when Niko’s eyes twinkle and his lips stretch into a smile.
I can’t breathe. I figure any moment I might turn blue, especially with Niko’s eyes boring into me. I’m barely managing to hold myself together. Thankfully, Callan asks Niko something and diverts his attention. I use that moment to gulp in some much-needed air.
I bite my lip as Zoe kicks me under the table and mild pain radiates up my shin. I look over at her.What?I mouth.
Nice?She imitates, shaking her head. I shrug, letting her see my panic and Zoe, being the friend that she is, rolls her eyes at me.
It’s then I feel eyes on me. My first thought is Niko, although he seems preoccupied with his watch. Callan laughs and that’s when I know he’s caught the entire silent exchange between Zoe and myself. I would be embarrassed, but instead, I take in the way he keeps staring at my friend. It’s a look that I can admit I wish Niko had when he looked at me.
Oh my.
When Zoe blushes, I know there’s a connection there. It makes me smile. I’ve met Callan a couple of times. He’s a good guy—even if he is a lawyer. It’s clear he sees how beautiful my bestie is. I hope he helps bolster her confidence. Now, if something could strengthen mine.
We keep the small talk going until the waiter appears. Niko makes sure I order first and then Zoe. Callan gives his order before Niko finally delivers his own.
After ordering our food, the conversation goes to mine and Zoe’s graduation ceremony. Niko questions me as to what I would like to do now, but I just shake my head.
“I don’t really know,” I tell him, lying. I’d love to learn more about fashion design. That’s not something I’m comfortable sharing with Niko—or anyone really.
“Are you graduating, too?” Callan asks Zoe.
“I am. Emilia and I have been in the same class since elementary school. That’s also how long we’ve been best friends.”
“Yes, we have. If it hadn’t been for Zoe, I never would’ve made it through school. I hated boarding school.”
“Why did you hate it? It’s the best school in the US,” Niko questions.
I frown. “I was completely alone and separated from my father. Zoe was the only person I could depend on.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. You have me. You only need to ask, and I’ll make it happen, Em,” Niko argues, making me blush. “Now, seriously, what are your plans now that you’re graduating?”
“I wasn’t aware I could make plans.” He’s making me uncomfortable, so I know I’m being defensive, but he’s just not letting this drop, and it’s a touchy subject for me anyway.
From the corner of my eye, I see Zoe giving me a look of dismay. I just stare at Niko defiantly. I can even hear Vic coughing at the table beside us.
“What do you mean?” Niko asks, frowning.
“I assume since I’m supposed to marry you, it’s not like I can make plans.” His frown deepens and I can admit to being intimidated, but I don’t stop. This is important. Besides, Niko shouldn’t have kissed me if he didn’t want me to be myself.
“Just because we’re getting married, doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to make plans. I want you to be happy.”
“What if my plans are not to get married?”
The tension at the table becomes a physical thing. Zoe reaches her hand across the table capturing mine in support.
Callan clears his throat, pushing back his chair as he stands. I think he’s about to excuse himself when he holds out his hand to Zoe.
“Would you like to dance?” Callan asks.
“Our food hasn’t come yet,” she reminds him, reaching for any excuse.
“That’s why it’s the perfect time to do so,” Callan counters. “We can give Niko and Emilia time to talk.”
I look at my friend and nod. She goes, although reluctantly.
“You’re going to fight me tooth and nail, aren’t you, Emilia?”
“I will because I think it will keep us both from being miserable,” I exhale, not sure how to make any of this clearer.