Page 35 of Carnal Vows
“I need you to sign that contract, Emilia. Sign it and I’ll give us both what we want.”
“I… the contract?” she whispers, her eyes clouded with confusion. She brings her hands up, hiding her breasts from me and I clench my hands into fists to keep from stopping her. I keep my gaze trained on her face and I see the exact moment reality overtakes her hunger. “You did all this just so I’d agree to sign a stupid contract?”
I could take it if there was anger in her words. Instead, I hear her hurt. That slides inside of me and settles. I refuse to feel guilty about any of this. It needs to be done. That’s all that matters.
“Sign the contract and I’ll carry you upstairs to your bed and fix every ache you have right now.”
“So that’s what this was about? It’s not about you wanting me it’s—”
I take her hand in mine. She tries to jerk it away, but I don’t let her. I bring our hands between my legs and press against my rock-hard cock.
“I need you to sign that contract, Emilia, if for no other reason than my piece of mind but make no mistake about what’s going on between us. I want you like I’ve never wanted another woman in my life.” I let go of her hand and take a step back. “I’ll give you a couple of days to think it over, but I want it signed before I leave with your father.”
“I thought you were going this week—”
“We’re not leaving until next week, but you have two days to acknowledge that you want me as much as I want you. You’re going to sign the contract.”
“We’re getting married, Emilia. This can go as easy or as hard as you want to make it. It doesn’t matter to me. In the end, my ring will be on your hand, and you will be in my bed—with that fucking contract signed,” I growl. Before I change my mind, give in, and fuck her against the wall of Maxwells office, I stomp out.
I stare down at the contract lying on my nightstand and sigh. It has been three days since Niko left me a rattled mess in my father’s office. He hasn’t called once. I expected to hear from him yesterday and when I didn’t, the disappointment nearly killed me. I don’t know how it has happened, but somehow, through all of this, I’ve developed real feelings for my would-be fiancé.
I sigh and flop back down on my bed. I’d like to write it all off to my hormones, but I know better. A girl doesn’t go her entire teenage life being content not having a guy in her life to being obsessed over one, unless it’s more than that. That doesn’t mean I’m not resentful about the way this has happened.I am.
I’m also hurt. I can’t pretend I’m not. I was completely lost, swept up in what he was doing to me. I know he was using it to get what he wanted. The worst thing about it is that if he hadn’t interrupted me and walked off, I would have caved. After feeling how hard he was for me, and knowing how much I wanted him, I would have agreed to anything.
I still would.
I’m not sure if that makes me a fool or just a realist. I want Niko. He’s the only man to ever make me feel alive, and I’ve been more than a little infatuated with him since I was sixteen. There comes a time when you just have to wonder what you’re fighting for. I’ve pretended the last few days that I wasn’t emotionally involved. I even kind of lied to Zoe. I didn’t want her to know how big a fool I was.
My cell goes off and I don’t want to answer it. It’s probably Zoe. I’m just too low right now. Knowing my best friend, she’d pick up on it and try to drive all the way here to make me snap out of it. When it keeps ringing, guilt hits me. I pick it up against my better judgment.
“Did I wake you?”
My heart instantly somersaults in my chest when I hear Niko.I’m definitely in trouble.
“No…” I murmur, unsure of what to say to him.
“I didn’t get to come over there today. I had to work.”
“Oh.” I feel lame. I don’t know what to say to him and there’s a part of me afraid I’ll beg him to come here and make love to me. “I’m sorry you had a bad day.”
“It’s better now, or it will be.”
“It will?”
“As soon as you tell me you signed the contract,” he explains.
“I haven’t yet,” I respond, exhaling and not bothering to hide my annoyance.
“But you’re going to,” he says, proving he can hear the defeat in my voice.