Page 46 of Carnal Vows
Maxwell throws his head back and laughs and I shake my head. Maybe I’m getting soft because I might not know a damn thing about love, but he is probably as close as I will ever come. I often wonder where I would be in life if Maxwell had been my father. Probably right here. I am the man I am and honestly, Maxwell is the one that has shaped me for years.
“You’re a hard man, Niko. Still, you’re winning my girl over, so I think we both know I was right.”
“We—” before I can completely agree with him, I hear my name being called out by a familiar voice.
“Niko! Is that you?”
I look over toward the sidewalk in surprise. Katherine is standing outside the restaurant’s small, black iron fence. Regret fills me at once. She and I had an understanding for a quite a while. It was never going beyond what we had, and she accepted that. Still, she was upset when I ended things. She cried and until that moment, I didn’t realize that she was deeper into our relationship than I ever was. We both knew going in that it was to be about scratching mutual itches and nothing more. We didn’t live together, and I made it clear we never would. I kept her in a nice apartment and made sure she had money in her accounts. When I ended things, I gave her what I considered a great severance package. She didn’t take it well, but she kept the money and the cynic in me knew why she was really crying.
I get up and walk toward her. I can see the worry in Maxwell’s face, but I don’t address it. He has nothing to worry about. “Katherine? What are you doing here?”
My first thought is that she’s following me. It sounds conceited, but women are like that. I’ve learned that the hard way. That’s how I ended up in the business arrangement that Katherine and I had. It’s probably part of why Emilia is so appealing. Her face reveals what she’s thinking on the surface, but there’s a genuineness to her that runs deep. She’s like nothing I’ve ever had in my life. She’snothinglike Katherine and that’s a very good thing.
“After we parted ways, I decided to come to Greece on vacation, and I met a man who lives here. So far, we’re hitting it off. What about you? Why are you in Athens?”
“Business,” I answer as relief hits me. She’s found a new source of income. For a bit there, I was afraid she was stalking me and about to make my life difficult.
“I should have known,” she laughs. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you that all work and no play makes Niko a very dull man?”
“I believeyouused to tell me that often.”
“Yeah, and you never listened, but we had fun while it lasted, didn’t we, Niko?”
I relax a little more. She’s moved on. She sounds a little sad but accepting. “Yeah, for what it was, it was good, Katherine. I’m glad you’re finding happiness.”
“Well, you know me. I’m never down for long. It is good to see you, though. We should have lunch together before you head back.”
“I’m not sure my fiancée would like that too much,” I explain, not really wanting to meet her.
She is my past. I meant what I said to Emilia. I thought Emilia was too young to notice, but it’s apparent that I hurt her by keeping my association with Katherine hidden for as long as I did.
“I don’t remember the great Niko Petrova giving a damn what any woman wanted. Are you going soft, darling?”
Her question annoys me. The fact I’m high in the ranks in this family—even though I’m an outsider—is proof I’m not soft. I try to shake it off, but it doesn’t work. “I’m getting ready to go back into a meeting, but we can do it later in the week if you want. It will have to be a quick lunch, though. I’m anxious to wrap things up and head back home.”
“This woman must be something if you’re anxious to get back home.”
“She’s special,” I allow, feeling guilty that I’m agreeing to this lunch in the first place. I know it will hurt Emilia if she finds out. Still, she must learn to trust me. I can’t become a different person over a woman.
“Well, my new man has some day trips planned, but I could do Friday around noon. Does that work for you? We could do it here at this restaurant.”
“Yeah, that’s good,” I mutter. She smiles, reaching out to take my hand—that I didn’t offer. I frown because her touch feels cold. There was no familiar spark with her. There’s just a worry that if Emilia finds out I’m going to have trouble making her understand.
Fuck.Having a woman is difficult.
I curl up under the blue checkered throw that Zoe keeps over her bed. I’ve got a slight chill. I don’t think I’m getting sick. I just feel like there’s a dark cloud hanging over me. I don’t know how to explain it. I’m normally a glass half full kind of girl. Yet, right now, it just feels like I’m surrounded by doom.
“What is wrong with you, Emmie?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you’ve been extremely quiet tonight and you barely touched dinner. Are you sick?”
“No, at least I don’t think I am. I’m a little worried because my father called me today, but when I called Niko’s phone, I just got voicemail and he hasn’t called back yet.”