Page 48 of Carnal Vows
“Oh my,” she gasps. “I’m blind.” I laugh because she’s silly, but it is big enough to glare. “That’s not a ring a man buys a woman he doesn’t want, Emilia Jane.”
“Do not use my full name again or I will cut you,” I fake growl, making her laugh. “I don’t want to talk about me anymore. Tell me about you and Callan.”
Zoe grins, and the happiness on her face makes my heart squeeze with joy for her. She deserves everything good. I don’t know where I would be without her.
“Emmie, I’m so happy that it’s scary. We’re practically living together, and he doesn’t like it when I come home at all.”
“Then why do I feel like you’re worrying?”
“Because I am,” she confesses. “Everything has gone way too fast. I can’t be in love with him this quickly. Can I?”
I think about it and realize that she has every reason to be in love with Callan. I’m in love with Niko, and Zoe has more reason than I do to allow herself to go there. Callan adores her. He doesn’t like to have her out of his sight. If anyone is foolish here, it’s me.
“You can and you are. Heck, Zoe, you’re so in love that you’re practically glowing with it. Callan’s called you twice tonight. I think you should stop worrying and go for it. I know if Niko gave me half the encouragement that Callan is giving you, I’d go for it without a thought.”
“Niko is more reserved than Callan. I’m thinking he will surprise you if you give him time. Stop questioning everything, Emmie.”
“Maybe,” I whisper, wondering if I can find the courage to do it.
Walking across the cool, tiled floor of my executive suite, I can’t seem to get away from the empty feeling this place has. I’m a man who has always enjoyed being on my own. Now, it’s the last thing I want. I push my thoughts aside. I’m going to take a shower and wash the day away. I’m looking forward to Emilia calling me tonight. She should be back from Zoe’s now. I texted her yesterday, but we play phone tag. This time difference is slowly killing me. There’s like a seven-hour difference between us right now. This means she’s sleeping when I finally get down time. It’s always too late to call her, and I hate not hearing her voice.
I sure as fuck don’t want a replay of that.
How is it that I’ve become the man who counts down the minutes until I can talk to a woman?
I have about an hour before she calls. I’m hoping that’s enough time to unwind so I can just enjoy her. Today’s meetings were long and boring. I’m getting sick of them. I know DeLuca is too. He’s given them until Friday to decide. If they don’t want to form an alliance, he’ll go elsewhere. At this point, it’s a foregone conclusion they’re going to agree. They know it. Yet, for some reason, they insist on trying to bust our balls. It’s ridiculous.
A knock on the door stops me in my tracks. I’m not expecting anyone, and I don’t have time for a surprise visit. I walk to the door expecting to find Maxwell, but instead, Victorio is there with Katherine standing beside him. Immediately, this sick feeling hits my stomach. She’s the last person I want to see here. I would be happy never to see her again. I look at Victorio, noting the look of disgust on his face. I grimace. He may not admit it, but I know he has feelings for Emilia.He best be forgetting them.
“Katherine? What are you doing here?” I ask, dryly.
“I need to talk to you,” she says, nervously. “I hate just showing up, but I had nowhere to turn, Niko.”
“I can meet you downstairs—”
“No! Please that won’t work. It isn’t safe,” she says, glancing both ways, checking the hallway for something.
Her words make me frown.Safe?
“What have you gotten yourself into?” I ask. The truth is, I don’t really care. I’m pissed that she’s interrupted my night. Now, I just want rid of her.
“I ran into trouble with my new boyfriend—make thatex-boyfriend. Can I please come inside?” she asks, looking at me and then Victorio. “I don’t want to be out here any longer than I have to be.”
I want to say no. I want to make her wait, but the tremor in her voice stops me from turning her away. I’m not a complete asshole. I can at least hear her out before sending her on her way. She walks inside, looking me up and down. “Were you getting ready for a shower?”
I realize then that I’m standing there in nothing but a towel.
“Yeah.” I rub the back of my neck. This will hurt Emilia if she finds out. I need to talk to Victorio to make sure she doesn’t.
“Go ahead. I’ll wait,” she says, nodding to the bathroom door as her lips pick up into a small smile as she takes in my bare chest. I don’t like the look in her eyes. Katherine can be very conniving if you give her a reason.
“We can talk now.”
“I don’t know Emilia personally, but I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t like you talking to me half naked, no matter how much I’d enjoy the view.”