Page 5 of Carnal Vows
“That’s enough, Dante.”
“Uncle, I—”
“You’re disrespecting Niko and I can’t have that. You two need to learn to work together for the good of the family.”
“You’re asking too much. I don’t work with Niko. He’s not part of our family.”
“He is. He’s also taking over for your father. You need to give him respect.”
“You’re giving himmyfather’s position in the family?”
“I am,” DeLuca responds. “He’s earned it, andyouwill show him respect.”
“My father wanted to promote me into that position. I’m blood, Uncle. It is my right.”
DeLuca seems to vibrate with anger. “Stop this now, Dante. I will not be questioned by anyone—especially by the son of my baby sister who is still wet behind the ears and not ready to lead a horse, let alone men within my organization.”
“I’ve proven myself time and time again to this family. I deserve the chance to prove that I can take over for my old man and do an even better job than he did—”
Dante stops talking then. I’d say that was a wise move on his part, but he only stops because DeLuca slaps him across the face. The hit is so loud that it echoes in the room as it sends Dante’s head sideways so sharply that I would be surprised if he doesn’t get whiplash.
“Do not disgrace yourself further by suggesting you could ever measure up to Gio. You aren’t fit to shine the man’s shoes and after your display here tonight, I don’t think you ever will be.”
Dante narrows his eyes, his gaze moving to me. If looks could kill, I’d be pushing up daisies right now. He’s not the first to look at me like that, however, and he won’t be the last. I keep my face stoic. DeLuca has made a stand and it’s in my favor. Later, though? Later, I will deal with Dante Russo. Hell, my first order of business will be to send him to Boston and demote him. That way, the bastard will be out of my hair, and I won’t have to kill him. DeLuca may not like his nephew, but he probably won’t like it if my first order of business in my position is to kill the weasel.
Dante spins around and leaves the room, slamming the door like the spoiled child he is. For a minute, the room is silent. DeLuca turns to face me directly. “This wasn’t exactly how I wanted to discuss you taking over for Gio.”
“It wasn’t how I would have liked it, either,” I admit. “I’m honored you would trust me with the position, sir. I thought highly of Gio. His loss was a huge blow. It will be my personal mission to discover who made this hit and who ordered it. I can promise you that I will get to the bottom of it.”
“There are several things on the agenda. We can discuss the particulars at my house next week. I’m having a family gathering and I’ll introduce you there formally.”
“Thank you, sir. I’ll prove your confidence in me is not misplaced.”
“Call me Anton. I think you and I will get along well with one another. Max has every confidence in you, and I’ve had my eye on you for a while now. We’ll talk more later. I have a feeling I need to go prepare for a call from my sister.”
“Yes, sir.” He gives me a look and lets me know what he wants. “Anton.”
He gives me a rare smile and nods. “Good. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I wish to talk with Maxwell before I leave.”
“Niko, check in with Vic and make sure my daughter is secure for the night. I’ll meet you in the study later.”
I nod. I don’t need to know why he wants to make sure Emilia is secure. It’s Dante. Maxwell isn’t blind to the way the asshole was leering at her earlier. It’s disgusting. She’s a kid and Dante is my age. If there ever was a son of a bitch who needed the life choked out of him, it would be that waste of space…
I just wonder what Antonio DeLuca would think of me if I was the one to end Dante.
It probably wouldn’t be good for my health, but I’m not sure I’d care…
“Are you lost?”
Niko’s voice sounds so cold that goosebumps spring out over my body. I shiver with a chill. His dark, inky-black eyes are focused on Dante. If looks could kill, Dante wouldn’t be breathing right now that’s for sure.