Page 14 of Sext Addict
“Whoa,” he said, concerned eyes on me. “Slowly. Everything slowly.”
I nodded, feeling my cheeks warm with embarrassment.
“Welcome to the class.”
I managed only a stuttering, “Um, thanks you.”
Yes, um,thanksyou.
Cade laughed. His hands lingered for just a moment before he moved away, almost reluctantly, then headed to the front of the class.
“Hello, everyone. Just wanted to remind anyone who is interested that I’m hosting an environmental clean-up next week and if anyone—”
A hand popped up in the front. Cade kept his smile in place, despite the interruption.
“Yes, Patricia?”
I stared at the woman and wondered if Apple had invented filters for contacts and secretly put one in my eye, because her body wassmooth. I mean, not a dimple or bump or panty line in sight. Was I gawking? I think I might have been gawking.
“Well, Cade, darling,” the woman, Patricia, giggled though I didn’t catch what was funny, “my hip flexors have been feeling a little tight lately and I was wondering if you'd help me with some adjustments during our flow today.”
Cade nodded.
“Sure, Patricia,” he returned his attention to the class. “Like I was saying, I’m hosting an environ—”
“Cade, my hip flexors are a little tight, too!”
“Mine, too!”
“Cade, Cade, hun, my hip flexors are really tight actually. Not just a little tight like Patricia’s.”
I watched, wishing I had a bowl of popcorn and some Milk Duds, as Patricia turned and glared at the girl who’d just spoken.
“You don’t know how tight my hip flexors are, Stacey.”
Cade raised his hands. “Let’s go ahead and just start class, alright?”
I almost sighed in disappointment. How was Stacey going to respond? Whose extensions would tear out first in a cat fight? Whose manicure would be best for clawing and scratching and whose would be best for gouging and fish hooking? I caught a couple of other class members rolling their eyes at one another. Clearly the situation between Patricia and Stacey was an ongoing event.
“We will start with the sun salutation to get us loosened up and start to regulate our breathing,” Cade said, his voice so calming and soothing.
The class progressed and it was going sort of, kind of, a little bitalright. I didn’t want to jinx anything, but I wasenjoyingit.
Of course, that jinxed it.
The vodka I’d had earlier sloshed back and forth in my stomach while I moved through the flow: upside down, around and over, back upside down, arched back, curved back, up, down, side to side. I felt like I’d strapped myself into a roller coaster ride.
By the time it was over and Cade had us all lay down in “corpse pose,” I was breathing in and out to try and control my nausea. Sweating, I followed along as we moved to sitting, lotus style, then Cade was placing his hands together and bowing his head. Everyone else followed suit and repeated his Namaste.
When we all came to standing, Patricia and Stacey and a few other women surged forward like Cade was the last box of mac and cheese at the grocery store. Not that it mattered. With the vodka swirling in my tummy I couldn’t stick around to ask Cade to fuck me along with two other men anyway. I grabbed my bag to run to the bathroom and that glorious porcelain goddess.
So what if I didn’t get to talk to Cade? At least I’d finished the class.