Page 29 of Sext Addict
When I shoved his shoulder, he laughed playfully.“What?” he said, throwing his hands up innocently and grinning wide. “I thought you wanted to get guys to do a sex study with you. You might as well make sure they’re hung.”
“Ellis!” I repeated, my voice somehow reaching a higher octave.
Ellis and I both jumped when we heard pounding from next door.
“Oy!” Jamie called. “Can a guy get some peace and quiet or what?”
I rolled my eyes but did respond, shouting, “Sorry!”
He banged away on those drums all night long on Mondays, but I couldn’t say a single word above a whisper on a Friday night? If I thought I could fit my hands around the big Irishman’s neck, I would wring said neck.
“Levi P. hot damn,” Ellis suddenly said, adding a low whistle. “Hot damn, hot damn.”
“What?” I asked. “Did he send a pic?”
Ellis laughed.“Oh, he sent a picture alright.”
He handed me the phone and Inearly yelped as I tossed the phone back into Ellis’s lap as if we were children playing a game of hot potato.
“It’s a penis!” I shouted.
“Oy!” Jamie grumbled next door. “Shut it!”
Ellis ignored my neighbor’s protestations as he stared at me in confusion before grabbing my phone.“What in the world did you expect it to be?”
“I don’t know.” I took the phone again as Ellis pushed it toward me. I glanced down at the photo of Levi P. from San Diego’s hard penis. “A selfie or something...”
“It’s a selfie, alright.” Ellis chuckled. “Just not a selfie of the kind of head you were expecting.”
I groaned and deleted the picture right away.
“What, you don’t want my help sending a picture of your boobs in return?” Ellis asked, now gripping his side in uncontrollable laughter.
“A picture of my boobs?” I asked in response, incredulous.
Ellis placed both hands on my shoulders and leaned in close to my face.
“Tess, you do know that you’re going to have to take your clothes off for this sex study, right?”
I considered the question and realized that he was, of course, right.
“Or…” he said slowly and I raised a suspicious eyebrow as he shrugged, “…or you could just stop all of this and admit that participating in a sex study with three guys is not exactly your thing, Tessa Stewart.”
There was kindness in his eyes, and I knew that he was saying this to keep me from being hurt, but I just wasn’t ready to give up yet.
Stubbornness and willfulness suddenly flared up in my chest, and I pushed myself off from the couch, grabbing my phone.
“What are you doing?” Ellis asked, craning his neck to follow me as I circled around the back of the couch. “Where are you going?”
With my back turned to him, I tugged my sweatshirt up and over my head and left it behind me on the floor as I walked into my bathroom and closed the door behind me. I heard Ellis climb over the back of the couch as I turned on my phone camera.
Ellis knocked on the bathroom door, “Uh, Tess? Why did you take off your sweatshirt?”
“How do you take a picture of your own boobs?” I asked, tilting the camera this way and that in a failing attempt to make my breasts look more Victoria Secret-y less mammary gland-y.
“You’re doing it?”