Page 44 of Filthy Hot Escort
He could see goosebumps along her forearms where her blouse was rolled up to her elbows, and it excited him to know that this excited her, too. Hell, he’d fuck her here and now if she wanted to. He’d take his chance up against the bar despite the shocked gasps they’d elicit . . . and the jail time he’d serve.
“Am I wrong?” Skylar purred.
He resisted the urge to push his hips up into her delicate touch. He wasn’t sure he could even speak at this point, she’d worked him up so well. He cleared his throat, released her breast with one final squeeze, and managed to push air through his vocal cords. “So what’s your counteroffer, Ms. McKenzie?”
Skylar grinned as her hand stroked his rock-hard cock. “Because I’m so generous, Mr. Bauer,” she said, “I will give youtwomore chances to make me come.”
He groaned as all his blood surged to his cock. She was a turn-on before, but seeing her now, negotiating to get his dick inside her?
He could imagine Skylar in a boardroom of VPs, CFOs, and CEOs— with that sultry voice and expert touch, she could get any man to lick her feet within minutes if she wanted.
So why didn’t she? Why had she suppressed this power of hers up to now?
And why was he so fucking glad she was releasing it on him?
There was something about Skylar finding her strength, her voice, that drove Julian wild. He needed to fuck her so bad. Needed to taste her pussy, hear her cries, see her blink at the sight of her sweat dripping on him as she writhed above him, ecstatic in pleasure. “And if I fail? If I lose this . . . proposal?” he choked out.
“If you can’t make me come after two tries, I win. And in winning, I get to change the details of your original proposal.”
“Change them how?”
“You write the story about the charity, but you exclude me. No interviews. No centering the article around me. In fact, keep my name out of it.”
“And if I win? If I do make you come?”
“Then write about Hardy Priese. Do what you must.” Her hand drifted away from his cock to rest on her own thigh, and he wanted to weep at the loss of her touch.
But she’d surprised him.
He’d offered to write an article onEmpowered in Financethat would make the charity a household name; all he’d asked in return was that she spend time with him and let him get to know what made her tick. Yet, the idea of giving him that opportunity to get to know her had scared her so damn much that she’d rather offer him her body. Not only that, she was so sure he couldn’t make her come, she was counting on him doing the article on the charity anyway but only with the reassurance that she wouldn’t have to expose one damn thing about who she truly was to him.
What did she have to hide?
And why didn’t she want him to find it?
“You don’t want me to write about you,” he said. “You don’t want me to get to know you.” He caught the flinch Skylar tried to hide.
“That’s not what you want, Julian,” Skylar murmured. “Not really.” She reached out again and ran her palm along the length of his erection; she did it almost absentmindedly as if, in the past twenty minutes, she felt she’d earned complete access to his body whenever she wanted. “Your cock. How it jumped at my touch. That’s all the proof I need of what you really want.”
He burst out laughing. “My hard-on for you negates the possibility that I truly want to get to know you better? I can’t be attracted and intrigued by you all at the same time? Because you know what I think? This is straight-up deflection.” He studied her eyes as she sipped at her martini, avoiding his gaze. “It’s not that you can’t believe I’m interested in you for more than just your body, though admittedly, that is a major interest of mine. No, it’s that youdon’t understandwhy I’d be interested in you for more than that. Isn’t that right, Skylar?”
“Fuck you,” she hissed suddenly. “I know my own self-worth, and a man like you would be damn lucky to have someone like me.”
“A man like me. Just what kind of man am I?”
She looked away again, not answering.
He stared at her for a moment, then said, “Tell me why I’d be lucky to have you.”
Her eyes widened as she turned to face him. “Seriously.”
“Indulge me. Why?”
“Because I’m smart! And successful. And I’m reasonably attractive. You wouldn’t have to support me, and I can take care of myself.”
He smiled sadly. “I’m going to have to call foul. You can take care of yourself? We both know that’s not true, is it, princess? And that’s the whole point of this bullshit counteroffer of yours. You’ve already determined there’s no chance I’ll win. Because you won’t let me.”