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“Thanks,” he shot back. “And you’ve got deflection down to a science, princess. But I know what you’re doing. I’m just being honest with you. But you’re pushing back at my question about you and Rex, communicating quite loudly that if we’re not going to have a committed relationship, you’re not going to let me get to know you. The true you. What are you afraid of me finding?”
“Certainly nothing that has to do with Rex,” she said.
“So then answer my question. What did you and Rex do together?”
Skylar sighed and turned her attention to the river flowing beneath the Manhattan Bridge. “We did normal couple stuff. We went to restaurants and shows, and events. Rex always had something nice planned for us.”
“And you were just along for the ride?”
He saw immediately he’d hit a nerve. Ice colder than any floating down the East River returned to Skylar’s eyes as she glared at him.
“Now who’s trying to push who away? Because if that’s not your intent, it’s still what you’re doing?”
She was damn perceptive, he thought but didn’t flinch away from the daggers in her eyes. “If I’m pushing anything, it’s for you to be honest,” he said. “With me and yourself.”
“I am being honest.”
“Okay. Did you love him?”
Skylar laughed, her expression more incredulous than amused. “Of course I loved Rex. He was my fiancé, after all.”
“Why did you love him?”
“Because he was handsome and successful, and most of all, he’s kind; at least, hewaskind until he became so obsessed with giving me an orgasm that it became all he cared about.”
She took another sip of her wine, though it could be better described as a chug more than a sip.
“So that’s all it takes to make you love a man? That he’s handsome, successful, and kind? What about respect? A stimulating mind? Similar interests? Blowing your mind in bed?”
She shook her head. “You think there’s men like that, just hanging out in droves? Perhaps you’ve been hanging out with your escort friends too long, Julian. At least, the premium ones.”
“So you’re saying you haven’t found a man like that because he’s not out there? I agree they're harder to find, yes, but in your case, even more so because you’re settling for so much less. And that’s the crux of it, isn’t it, Skylar? Why Rex? Why settle for someone who’s obviously not worth the dirt on your shoes?”
She looked around and shifted as if she was getting ready to stand. “It’s nice to know you think so lowly of me but so highly of me at the same time, Julian.”
“Which opinion do you have a problem with? The low or high opinion? Because something tells me it’s the high one.”
This time, she did stand.
“Things getting too real for you, Skylar?”
She ran her hand through her hair, clearly frustrated. “No!”
“Then prove it and sit down.”
She stared at him, looking like she wanted to throttle him, before she tilted up her chin and slowly lowered herself to the ground again.
“Happy?” she said.
“Hardly. Did you and Rex break up because he couldn’t make you come?”
Skylar’s eyes darted away and then back to him. “What?” she said, obviously trying to sound incredulous and failing. “No. I mean, no. That wasn’t the reason.”
“Then why?”
Skylar shifted uncomfortably and didn’t answer him.
He leaned closer to her, knowing he was about to step into a field of landmines but feeling like he had no other choice. He’d taken them away from the penthouse so they could both decompress and give her time to think about what she wanted, but how could she make that decision when she refused to see what was right in front of her? So like the relentless asshole he was, he was going to lay it all out for her.