Page 11 of Kelsey's Keeper
Her foot stopped, but she didn’t uncross her legs, a position that seemed designed to show off a maximum of her thighs.
If he didn’t have a shitload of work still in front of him—including a new asset allocation revision for her dad, coincidentally—he’d have had a talk with her about her attire choices.
She may not have been his daughter, but he damned sure didn’t like her sashaying her wares all over town like that. Good girls didn’t do that.
That sounded almost… paternal. Or is that patriarchal?
He needed to get her out of his office. Like, yesterday.
“There are… many questions I could ask here, Kelsey, but the first one is the most important, I think: why are you here?”
“I just wanted to come by. See what you do here, you know?”
“How did you know I even work here?”
Mitchell, her father, had been there before, of course, on many occasions—but his daughter had never accompanied him.
“I have… ways of finding out things I need to know.”
She’d never so much as expressed a single word of interest as to what he did for a living, and he certainly hadn’t ever mentioned the existence of this office to her.
Which meant she was up to something.
“What is it you wanted to know?”
“Did you know this used to be one of the worst parts of town back in the eighties?” She nodded. “It’s true. Gang fights, shootings. Bad shit. And now, look at you!”
“First—language. Second—you weren’t even alive in the eighties, Kels.”
She shrugged. “Some of us are luckier than others. But I admit I’m fascinated by it. That time, you know?”
“You… what?” He set his pen down on his desk. “Look, I don’t know what you’re here for. I doubt you’re here requesting a consult for financial advice. So…”
She canted her head slightly. “Oh, what if I was though? Do you, like, tell me what to spend and save? What happens to me if I don’t follow the plan you give me?”
“A stern talking to,” he joked, shaking his head. “What do you think happens? They lose money, and I still get their fee. It’s in their interest to do what I tell them to do.”
“Oh, I like that first part.” Her gaze sparkled, her foot bouncing once more. “But what if they keep messing up? What then? Do they get a spanking, or something? But you probably save that only for the cute clients like me, right?”
He was used to casual, occasional flirting from her. Okay, maybe it was more than occasional. But it was generally harmless. This though? This was… purposeful. Out in the open.
They both knew what it was.
Which is all the more reason for you to shut it the fuck down. Right now.
“You aren’t a client. And there definitely isn’t any spanking involved, regardless of the cuteness level of the client.”
“So, I’m not a client. But you’re confirming my cuteness.”
“I didn’t say that!”
She laughed. “It’s adorable when you get all… gruff and bossy.”
“Kels, what are you doing here?”
“I was just around, so I wanted to come by. See the place where you work your magic.”