Page 41 of Kelsey's Keeper
She whimpered ever so slightly, then drew the lace down as well, fully revealing her ass to him. It was just as beautiful as he thought it would be, broad and pale—but firm, too. It was perfect, really. Like just about every other part of Kelsey’s gorgeous, young figure.
You sound like a fucking dirty old man.
Perhaps that’s what he was? But it wasn’t going to stop him from doing the right thing here, from showing her she was stupid to push this any further. “Now, you listen to me, Kelsey. You’re going to get a spanking, and then you’re going to go home. Got me?”
“Yes… yes, sir.” Both the words and the trembling of her voice had his cock surging again, his urge to touch it, to stroke it while he looked at her ass helplessly before him, almost too much to bear.
He stood at her side, smoothing a hand over her lower back, then down her right buttock, so soft, smooth, and cool to his touch. Then he moved it back up the right side, giving her ass a little squeeze, making her let out a tiny yelp.
Her pretty hips wriggled just the slightest bit. “Yes, sir.”
He brought his palm down firmly across the center of her left buttock, the slap satisfyingly loud, jarring in the quiet room. Her bottom cheeks clenched for just a split second, then relaxed. But she made no other sound.
That pleased him, seeing that even then, despite her mortification, she was still at least attempting to obey him.
Then he began slapping her ass with a steady, firm rhythm, not giving it to her too hard, but definitely not going easy on her, either. “Have you ever been spanked before, Kelsey?”
Her swallow was audible. “No. Never. You could stop now, right?”
“What would be the point in that, Kelsey? I’m not even close to done with this ass.” He couldn’t help himself, smoothing a palm over his genitals, giving them a firm squeeze as he continued to slap her ass. He concentrated on the firm, slightly chubby overhang of her buttocks, at the tender join where they met the creamy thighs. Cupping his palm, he began smacking her there even harder, loving the way it made her buttocks bounce and wobble with each blow of his palm. Pink was already beginning to suffuse her pale, beautiful flesh. But it didn’t stop him. Quite the opposite, in fact. It actually spurred him on to spank her even harder.
“Ah! Uncle Max!”
“That’s another thing, Kelsey!” He slapped her ass with a quick flurry of four or five smacks, her entire bottom jiggling and wobbling at the harsh blows. “How many times have I told you to quit calling me that? And yet you still do it. I’m beginning to wonder if you’re doing it on purpose, just to make me mad.”
“No! No—I’m… I just, it’s habit. Ah!” Her hips waved again, and he gripped her waist tightly, holding her still.
“Stay in place, girl. One of the things you need to learn is to be obedient during your punishment. Keep your bottom very still, so that I can properly spank it.”
“Properly spank me! No! I mean, I’ll do what you say but—”
He slapped her upper thigh then, and she bit off a tight shriek, the ghostly print of his palm going white, and then instantly darkening to pink upon her soft, vulnerable flesh. “You’re damn right you’re going to do what I say. I’ll teach you.”
She had the good sense to keep her mouth shut at that, though she whimpered with almost every blow now. He pressed upon her smooth lower back, loving the way sweat was beginning to bead upon her skin. It was at that moment that he caught the scent—the scent of her arousal.
Is being spanked actually… turning her on?
“Almost done, girl. But these last few are going to hurt. I have a question for you.” He ceased her spanking, but squeezed her left buttock harshly, possessively, a warning that he could resume her punishment at any moment. He didn’t want to think about how much he loved holding her that way, as if she were his possession, his toy. He wanted to do so much more with her gorgeous ass, already thinking of it as his—his to hurt, pleasure, and enjoy.
Watch that shit, Max.
But he couldn’t help himself, his arousal so strong now that he was sure a wet spot was going to begin growing upon the front of his slacks if he didn’t stop soon. Still, even that didn’t stop him from indulging himself still further.
He hooked his fingers under the hem of her black T shirt, rucking it up her back, exposing the pale, smooth flesh there. As he eased a hand over it, she shivered, then pressed herself up into his touch, a clear signal that what he was doing to her was reaching her on a very elemental level. Just as he’d hoped.
“So pretty,” he murmured, hoping it was quiet enough that she didn’t hear him. He pushed her shirt up even higher, much higher than it needed to be, all the way to her breasts. And though he knew it was very, very wrong, he marveled anew at the flawlessness of her skin, the smooth muscles of her pale back. He caressed it for a moment, luxuriating in the feel of her warm flesh under his hand, the electricity between them overwhelming.
“Oh, Max…” She breathed the words, as if out of breath. Or aroused.
“You be quiet, you hear me?” He put a tiny bit of an edge into his voice, wanting her to understand that just because he was enjoying the display and the feel of her body, she was in absolutely no control over what was happening to her. He needed her to understand that, to know that, to accept it. Because it was the only way he would ever have it.
“Yes, sir… sorry, sir.”
He thrilled once more at the sound of those words, loving that much more than he should have, his cock throbbing again. “Tonight, when you sit down, you’re going to be a little uncomfortable. What are you going to think when you realize your ass is still sore from having it spanked?”
Kelsey gasped, though he wasn’t sure if it was from pain, or from mortification at his bold question. “I… how am I supposed to know that? I mean, it’s not as if I have any frame of reference, you know?”