Page 61 of Kelsey's Keeper
“George!” Max hopped out of the Gator, loping over to the man and shaking his hand. “Didn’t realize you’d be out this early.”
The man tilted his head back toward the orchard. “Just a little pruning, before it gets too warm.” But the man’s eyes kept sliding back to her, a flash in them that made her supremely self-conscious, especially with the way those blue eyes unabashedly took in the jut of her barely covered breasts. “Who’s this little thing?”
Max looked back at her as he leaned an arm on George’s shoulder. “This is Kelsey. Staying with me for the summer. Was about to come visit you guys to say hi, and introduce her to you.”
George’s smile faded just the slightest, his eyes not sliding away one bit from the frank appraisal of her body. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Kelsey.” The big man strode forward, offering a huge mitt of a hand that her slender one completely disappeared in as she shook it.
“Nice… to uh, meet you, too,” she said, blushing furiously as his gaze dropped once more to her breasts.
“Lovely little creature,” George said, as if to himself, not even bothering to try to meet her eyes. Then he looked back at Max. “Come on back to the house. I’ll get you some coffee—and then we can see what you’ve brought us today.”
Oh, shit.
* * *
“Isn’t he going to let us in?” She was adorable in her confusion, a tiny line of consternation right between her cute eyebrows. They were standing at the base of George’s porch, the bright morning sunshine even more intense, the air quite warm now.
“He told me the light’s better out here, so I think he just wants to hang out in the sun.” Max looked up, the sky a clear blue that had an almost panoramic quality to it. He could hardly argue with George’s preference there.
Just then, George came out of the front door, his boots clumping on the big wraparound porch that dominated the front of his home. He came down the steps, two mugs of coffee in his hands. He gave one of them to Max, George sipping from the other. “No sugar, but plenty of milk, just like you like it.”
“No Sylvia this morning?” Max looked up at the front door, wondering where George’s wife might be.
“She’s down at Brendan’s—serving penance. He sent back a mixed report on her performance when he had her over last night. I told her she’d need to go make amends this morning.”
Kelsey looked decidedly nervous, her eyes darting from him to George and back again, about what all that implied. Of course, she couldn’t have even the faintest idea what George was getting at, but that didn’t mean her instinct wasn’t keenly aware of the sexual implications of George’s words.
George tipped his cup toward Max. “We ready to do this?”
Max waved a finger at her. “Go ahead and stand over there where you’re in the full sun. That gives us the best look at you.”
“Max? What’s… what’s going on?” He loved the way her face seemed to pale, her fingers twisting against one another. Her nipples were still very hard, but it might have just been from the fabric of the ridiculously revealing bikini top.
He hoped it was from a tolerable amount of fright, too. Keeping a girl a little anxious and uncertain now and then was good for her.
“What’s going on, silly girl, is we’re going to have an inspection. I’m sure you’ve noticed that for the past week I haven’t given you much of one. No time like the present to take care of that, don’t you think?”
Her throat worked spasmodically, her hands visibly trembling. She clasped them to her hips for a moment, as if trying to hide the fright she was so obviously feeling.
He loved it.
“I see you’ve got a ways to go on her obedience training,” George muttered, taking a sip from his mug.
“She’s only been here a week or so. She’ll get better,” Max said smoothly. “Kelsey, I want you to take off your bikini now, but leave your heels on.”
George chuckled softly. “At least she knows how to pick the correct shoes. That’s promising.”
Kelsey visibly blushed at that, her cheeks blooming pink. Her eyes, frantic and wide, darted to him, her mouth opening as if she wanted to ask a question, or perhaps whisper an entreaty. But he wasn’t going to let her off the hook that easily.
This was part of things, and she had to see how life was really lived here. “Go on, sweet girl. Do as you’re told.”
“But Max—we’re outside, someone’s going to see.” Her voice was almost a squeak as she said it, the girl now clearly desperate.
“Nobody out here but two men, silly girl,” George said. “So there’s no need to be bashful or disobedient. Do what Max tells you.”
Max gave George a little nod of approval, making sure Kelsey saw it, too. She would be able to piece together soon enough that this was exactly what he wanted, that having her looked at by this near stranger, perused out here in the broad daylight… it was something that Max enjoyed.
He and George watched in increasingly aroused silence as Kelsey stripped off first the top, then undid the ties at her hips, the bottoms sliding down her thighs. For the briefest of moments, she actually let her arm block the view of her breasts, and George made a tiny sound of displeasure.