Page 67 of Kelsey's Keeper
She had a puzzled expression, one brow lifted, her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. “So… what do we do now? Are we just going back?”
He gave her a knowing smile, then tilted his head toward the dense stand of evergreens. “Right there is where we’re going next.”
“I don’t get it, you mean… the tree?”
“Yep. That fallen tree is our trail now.” He jumped up onto it, holding out his hand to her. “Be careful. Grab on, then hop up.”
Once she was safely standing atop the tree with him, he held on to one of her hands behind her as they went, not so much because he feared she couldn’t balance, but it was more a way to reassure her, and because he greatly enjoyed the feel of her hand in his.
The huge Douglas fir had fallen so long ago that the branches had been worn away, the bark sloughing off to gray, desiccated bare wood in places. But it cut a perfect path, a narrow chasm, a passage through the dense towering forest of trees. They followed it all the way to its end, and it was here that Kelsey saw it, her gasp of wonder giving it away.
It was here that another, smaller brook meandered its way through the forest, down the slope to the edge of the canyon lip but before it reached it, the water dropped into a broad, deep hole.
“Come on,” he said. “You’re gonna love this.”
Taking her around the other side of the hole, another little-used animal path led down to the very edge of the lip of the cliff—and to something even more impressive. A cave opening cut out from the face of the cliff itself.
“Holy shit, Max, this is so fucking cool. Is there a way to get in there?”
“Sure is.” He took firmer hold of her hand this time, following a tiny ledge along the cliff face that allowed access into the cave opening.
Kelsey’s mouth was hanging open as she looked up, this time from the bottom of that same big hole. “It’s… it’s amazing.”
Where the brook fell into the cave, the roof entirely open to the sky, it collected in a pool inside the cave, and then meandered its way out through the cave opening, cascading down the cliff side in little rivulets that never ended. But that wasn’t the most impressive part. He took hold of her shoulders, turning her to look back out through the cave opening from where they stood.
She put her hand to her face, her eyes filled with wonder. “Oh, my God. It’s so beautiful…”
From inside the cave looking out toward the southeast, a tremendous vista across the entirety of the valley where Foster Canyon emptied into the flatlands was visible, all the way across the Okanogan to the other side were further uplands and looming hills rose from the river valley’s floor. In many ways, it looked like something one might see in Utah, the climate semi-arid, the colors of the topography washed in browns, yellows, and siennas. Sagebrush dotted the tableau here and there, with a few hardy evergreens holding on wherever they could. It was a sparse, almost bleak landscape, so unlike the deep green, wet western part of Washington State that was fixed in the common consciousness of most people.
But to him it was the most stunning part of the state, a place where a person could still get lost if they wanted to, and the place that spoke of nothing but peace, tranquility, and the simplicity of life that he’d found in few other places in the world. When he’d come back from being in country, and he’d seen this place for the first time, he knew he had to come back here.
And stay for good.
He went to Kelsey then who was still staring out at the incredible vista, but as he drew near her gaze locked with his. “It’s just… I had no idea it was so beautiful.”
“It’s not the only beautiful thing here.” He cupped her chin, stroking her bottom lip with his thumb, while with his other hand he helped slide the heavy pack off her back, the straps slipping from her shoulders until her burden fell to the cave floor. He kissed her then, possessive, even savage, and she seemed to melt against him, sighing softly as he took her mouth with his. It was something he’d been needing to do for a very long time, and at that moment it was the only thing that would do.
The only thing that fit.
Finally, he broke the kiss, caressing her cheek, her eyes sparkling in the shadows of the cave. “I think we’ve found the spot for our blankets, pretty girl.”
* * *
She shuddered, the stretch of his cock pushing deep within her once more drawing a long, languid sigh from deep down inside her. He’d already fucked her once, making her crouch on her knees, her face pressed into the blankets as he took her brutally from behind, driving hard, taking her in the way she most needed.
Uncompromising. Possessive. Even a little cruel.
“There you go, Kelsey girl, right down on it,” Max said, his voice a rumble at her ear. His naked back was against the rock of the cave wall, hers facing the beautiful collecting pool from the waterfall behind her. She rose up and down on his shaft, taking it slower to start out, straddling his lap, facing him, their arms wrapped about each other. She kissed him, he kissed her back, and she knew in that moment she felt closer to him than she ever had before.
His soft lips traced down her chin, then tasted her under her jaw, and she dropped her head back gazing up at the darkening afternoon sky as he pressed soft, gentle kisses down the column of her throat. In truth, she was a little sore from his first taking of her, but she found she even liked that, as if that sweet pain was a burden she’d gladly bear, a very real reminder how he’d used her—and of how she’d yielded to this man.
“Kelsey… Kelsey, fuck, I need you.” Max pulled her tighter to him, her breasts pressing to his sweaty chest, her knees digging into the dirt of the cave floor. She knew they’d be raw later, just like the rest of her, and a smile came to her lips even then at that thought. Was it that she liked the reminder that the hurt gave her? Or was it that she liked suffering for him?
She supposed in the end, the answers to those questions didn’t matter either, that perhaps they were two sides of the same coin. What really concerned her was how strong her feelings were for him now, this man who she had no business doing any of this with. And yet this was happening, with a man like Max, a man who checked off all of the boxes on Kelsey’s ‘dream man’ list. It just made it all the sweeter, that taboo, forbidden nature of what they were doing, of the ever stronger connection they were forging between one another.
“Max, harder, faster! Make it hurt! Punish me for this!” She was panting as she said it now. “Need you… need you… take me! Please!”
His fingernails dug into her back, his cock driving up into her harder now, the wet sounds of their coupling competing with the sounds of the water coursing down the rock wall at the back of the cave. Orgasm was close, which was a surprise for her, as she’d never been able to achieve it in this position before. Yet something else Max was so very good at it. Another lesson he was teaching her about her own body.