Page 11 of Need
But that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to twist the knife a little bit.
“Cunt’s got quite a pelt on it now, doesn’t it?” I tried to meet her gaze as I said it, but she looked away, her perfect white teeth worrying the corner of her mouth. Her blush flared anew, but she didn’t say anything else. “I think I like it though. I want you to keep it. Maybe I’ll comb it for you later.”
She made a tiny sound of anguish, looking down.
What I really wanted to do most was run my fingers through it, test the silkiness and softness of those curls between the pads of my fingers, tug on them until she hissed. Her blushing cheeks darkened to crimson as she hid her head from me for a moment, hands to her face. In time, I might choose to admonish her for just how much pubic hair she had, at how thick and wild it truly was. But it wasn’t yet that time.
She dropped her arms then, taking a deep breath. She stood there awkwardly, her hands clasped to her hips, thumbs trying to ease the bottom hem of her sweater down to lend her at least a tiny bit of modesty. She painted a picture of adorable, and quite arousing, bashfulness.
“Now, I think you know what I want from you next, don’t you?”
“Nick, please don’t make me do this…” Her pretty eyes locked with mine, and they were bright with unshed tears, her face now paler, as if she realized that her attempts at stalling, delaying the inevitable, were all for naught. She was out of options. And there was nothing left for her to do but call it all off—or obey me.
I leaned back, spreading my arms wide, giving her room, watching her closely, my brow raised in expectation. “Get in position.”
I’d spanked her only a handful of times in the past, but never, ever like this, and it’d always been playful. A few taps here and there, or I might smack her ass a little while taking her from behind.
I watched, almost mesmerized as she slowly walked to me, the lushness of her thighs something I never ceased to marvel at, a sight that had appeared more than once in my dreams. She paused, standing over me, as if she held out the last second hope that I would relent, that I would spare her this humiliation.
But she was about to be very, very disappointed.
I stabbed my finger at my thighs. “Over my lap, right now. Right over.”
She sighed once more, then laid herself across me, my breath catching in my throat at the soft, pleasing weight of her body upon my legs. In that moment, I regretted that I couldn’t feel her naked flesh against mine, but I had to be patient. I may have only a short while left, but I intended to make the most of it. To savor what I could, before it was gone forever.
She shifted her weight, and I laid a hand across the back of her thigh, a tiny sound escaping her lips at my touch. But I was surprised to find that that sound was not one of revulsion, but rather surprise, or perhaps something else entirely. I stroked her thigh, running my palm up and down the soft, smooth flesh, luxuriating in its weight, its loveliness. I would never admit it to her in that moment, but I had missed this. Bereft of her touch, I’d begun to think of it more and more. I couldn’t help but wonder if she thought of it as well, if from time to time she recalled the good moments, the quiet, secret intimacies, the little moments in time of a relationship that one could never forget—even if they wanted to.
Her ass was pale, broad, and round, a thing of absolute perfection. I longed to touch it, to hurt it, to imprint my possessive mark upon it. It was one of her best features, and it always had been something I was a little bit obsessed with. She knew it too, in better days taking great pains to torment me with displaying it in a way she knew would tempt me most.
Yes, better days indeed, Nick.
“I have another question for you, Eva, and I expect an answer.”
“Um…okay.” Her muscles tensed against my thighs, and I stroked her again, pleased to see that she relaxed a few seconds later. It may have been many months, but she was still accustomed to my touch, still responded to it even if she might not want me to see that. The body never lied.
“I’ve wondered something, for a long while, actually, and I think now is the best time to ask this question. Could you ever respect a man who allowed his woman to talk to him the way you’ve talked to me these past two days?”
“I don’t…I don’t understand what the hell you’re talking about.”
“That wasn’t my question, Eva.Answermy question.” I caressed further up her leg until my hand rested along the crease between buttock and thigh, the heavy curve of her bottom cheek poised upon the span of my thumb and finger. I gave her a tiny squeeze there, and her body tensed once more.
“I mean, you’ve been an asshole to me these past two days. How did you expect me to react?”
“I’ve told you the truth, Eva, since the moment I saw you yesterday. Not once have I told you anything that wasn’t true. And yet you seem to think that’s me being ‘an asshole.’ But just because you say it doesn’t make it so. I think you just don’t want to be honest about what’s happening. So you lash out at me, push me away.”
“That’s…that’s crazy.” She grunted. “Is this what you call truth, Nick? Let me up, I don’t know what you think you’re doing.”
“Here’s what’s going to happen. Since you can’t seem to treat me with the respect that I deserve, you’re going to be disciplined. I’m going to spank you now, until I think you’ve learned your lesson. Until I think you understand that I expect you torespectme at all times. Now, of course, you could say the words, and this will stop right now. Or you can lie there like a good girl, with your bare bottom nice and high for me like it is right this second and take your spanking. Maybe you’ll learn something about yourself, about the value of obeying, of submitting. And maybe something about me too.”
She moved with surprising speed, sliding halfway off of me before I was able to grasp her leg, and haul her back over my thighs. “What are you…what thefuckare you doing? Let me go!”
I smacked her ass, hard, loving the way her cheek jiggled and rippled under the blow. She froze as still as a statue across my lap, and I chuckled at her shocked reaction. “Do I have your attention?”
“Fuck you!” She bucked upon my thighs then, nearly throwing herself to the floor, but I clamped my arm across the backs of her legs, the other over the middle of her back, pinning her down tightly.
“Wrong answer, Eva.” Taking my time then, still holding her firmly across the back with my left arm, I smacked her bottom crisply, left, then right, then left again, each blow landing upon pristine, pale flesh, ensuring the sting of each strike sunk in fully. In the first short flurry of slaps across her smooth, vulnerable bottom, the color was already beginning to bloom. She only grunted now and then, and I knew the pain had not yet gotten to her. But I also knew that in a very short time that would no longer be the case.