Page 5 of Need
Incredibly, she did as she was told. Her gaze slid away, and she appeared to look at a point somewhere on the wall behind me. Twin smudges of pink colored her cheeks. Her lashes fluttered anew. Her breathing was coming faster now, the soft, heavy breasts rising and falling with each inhale and exhale.
In silence I watched her, remembering the feel of those breasts in my hands, her moans when I squeezed them, the texture of her nipples upon my tongue, the taste of the salt upon her skin.
And in that moment, I felt the first twinge of sadness since I’d arrived. Ididstill wish that this road hadn’t led us to this point, even as I knew there was nothing to be done about it now.
I looked up at the clock. “Time’s up, Eva.”
Her arm pressed across her breasts, and she crouched quickly, snatching up the shirt and bra from the floor. A single tear coursed down her cheek as she fled from the room, throwing the door wide as she left.
“You’re such an asshole, Nick.” There was a mutedthunkas the door closed behind her.
I nodded slowly, gazing out at the last dying light of the early evening sun illuminating the angles and planes of the buildings across the street. “I know.”
Chapter 3
I leaned a hip against the balcony railing, sipping the cool Prosecco as I gazed out at the lush greenery of the park sprawling five floors below. A young mother, her frazzled dirty blonde hair waving in the breeze, was chasing after her two toddlers, both of them laughing and squealing in delight as they attempted to anoint themselves in the round stone fountain at one corner of the park.
I could hardly blame them, the evening still humid and warm, even though it was almost dusk. “No, I reallydidn’tthink it would get this far. I figured it was a coin flip if he’d even show up at all.”
My friend, Michelle, was on the other end of the line. “What do you think he’s up to then? Just screwing with you? Or is there something else going on?”
“Shit, if I knew that, I’d have already talked him out of whatever scheme he’s got up his sleeve.”
I wasn’t entirely convinced of my own bravado, though. That Nick had gone through with this, or at least appeared to,hadthrown me for a serious loop. What the fuck was he up to? That was probably the most salient question of all and yet, the fact I didn’t know…did more than irritate me.
It intrigued me too. If only a little. And there was absolutely no way I was going to tell Nick that, either. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him—and it might just keep me out of trouble.
How do you know this could be trouble?
I didn’t, not really, but it was just…a feeling. A sort of nervous energy one feels right before something goes to shit.
Or gets a lot more interesting.
“How did he look?” There was a subtle note of mischief in Michelle’s voice.
“Youwouldask that, wouldn’t you?” Though I really didn’t understand why, my cheeks heated just the slightest bit at the question, as if I was just a tiny bit embarrassed to consider the question.
She giggled, affecting a faux offended tone. “I’m only curious. Inquiring minds wanna know, though.”
“What is it with men, that they decide to get way hotter after we’re no longer with them? It’s so frustrating.”
Michelle hummed softly. “So…that sounds to me like a big ‘hell yes, he looked good.’”
I cursed softly under my breath, taking another sip. I was already tingling a tiny bit at the tips of my fingers, the wine beginning to work its magic. “Yeah…fuck, but yes.”
“How good?”
I grunted. “Does that matter?”
“It does if you think he was doing it to impress you.”
I winced at that, remembering the cool aloofness in his gaze as he sat there on that couch. “I think caring about impressing me stopped being a thing for him a very long time ago, Michelle.”
My friend was silent a moment. “Does it bother you? That he isn’t concerned with what you think about him?”
“No… maybe.” I shrugged. “Hell, I don’t know anymore. This whole thing is just crazy. I was probably dumb to even agree to do this. I really don’t know what to think about it—other than wishing it was over and done with, you know?”