Page 24 of His Property
“It’s one of the many reasons why I keep you around.” I rubbed my forehead, sighing as I took a drink from the glass tumbler of whiskey, the liquor burning as it went down my throat. “And if it does, I won’t even object when you tell me I told you so.”
Alicia grinned at that, turning for the door. “I’ll hold you to that, Ellis. And for the record, I hope I’m wrong about this… but I don’t think I am.”
She slipped out, the door to my office closing shut behind her with a mutedsnick.
Taking another sip from my whiskey, I stared out that window. The drifting, twisting columns of steam coming from the rooftop across the street from one of the buildings floated slowly across the line of my sight.
“I hope you’re wrong too, Alicia,” I muttered. “But I’m going to enjoy finding out for myself.”
I knew it was probably insane to even try to do this, especially on a Saturday morning, but getting this over with, getting it behind me, was just that important.
As I stood there on his front porch marveling again at the intricate stonework and the gold trim around the sidelights of his massive front door, I thought again about how out of place I truly was there, even standing out on his doorstep.
This was simply a higher cut of society that I would never fit in with. Sure, I would havelikedto have fit in with it, but liking and having that be true were often two very different things.
I pressed the doorbell button, again impressed at even the quality of the button, the LED outlined in palest blue, signaling quality even in the most simple and everyday of items as adoorbell. I shook my head again, smiling to myself. It was strange how things happened, how something as boring as a doorbell seemed to put a quotation mark on doing the right thing.
And doing the right thing was putting Ellis Winters in my rearview mirror.
The lock on the door thunked, and then the huge door swung wide. I had to will myself not to slap a hand over my mouth as I saw him filling the doorway. He was wearing a tight navy blue T-shirt that stretched across his shoulders, showing off the slabs of muscle of his chest and displayed arms that up until that moment, I hadn’t realized were so massive and powerful, hidden as they were at all times by his dress shirts.
His chest tapered down to a pleasingly tight and narrow waist. The black and blue patterned pajama pants—something I would never haveeverpictured him in—were slung low across his hips. My breath caught in my throat, my pussy tightening of its own free will, as I saw the length of his cock perfectly outlined and delineated by the thin fabric of his pants. He was big, he was thick, and he wasn’t even hard. I didn’t think I’d ever seen a cock like that, except possibly in porn. Maybe not even there.
Size queen now, are you?
It wasn’t that it mattered that much to me, either way; I cared far more about how a guy used his dick than about how big it was.
But it was averynice bonus nonetheless.
Get your fucking mind out of the gutter, and say what needs to be said, idiot.
“I suppose I could ask you what the fuck you think you’re doing here, on a Saturday morning, but then I suppose you’re about to tell me.”
My mouth practically fell open at the curt, arrogant tone of his voice. It was itself the perfect exclamation point on why he was indeed an asshole, and why saying goodbye to him now before anything happened was by far the best choice of action here.
I had to admit that it would have been a lot easier if he were hideous, rather than a mouthwatering example of exquisite masculinity that in any other circumstances would have had me on my knees begging to lick the sweat off his balls.
Jesus Christ, where the fuck did that come from, Lola!
“Yeah, I’m uh, I’m sorry about coming here on a weekend. I’m just really nervous. But I didn’t think that this should wait until Monday when I’m supposed to come work for you.”
“Oh?” He raised his right arm, resting it along the doorjamb, the effect making him look even more massive and imposing, intimidating me even further, threatening to banish any notion I might have of controlling this situation. Getting this over with, and getting away from him, was the only possible way this could go anything other than horribly.
Deep breath, Lola. Just say it, and get out.
“I, what I mean to say is that, I can’t take the job, Mr. Winters. Even if that means I don’t get the money. Even with what happened the other day, I just don’t think this is a good idea.”
His eyes grew incredibly cold in an instant, and he glared at me, the weight of that stare so profound I felt almost bolted down in place, my feet suddenly weighing ten thousand pounds apiece. Then he finally spoke. “I think that may just be the dumbest thing you’ve ever said. So, you’re going to have to come inside and we’re going to talk about this.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, I mean, I just would rather… go home.” I held up my hands, as if to convince him that this was indeed the better idea, even though I knew that was about as useful as holding up your hand in front of a bear before he attacks you. “I don’t know that there’s anything else for us to say, really.”
His dark brow arched. “Oh, I think there is a lot for us to be talking about. But I’m not going to be doing it out here in my front porch looking like this. And I most definitelyamgoing to talk to you. So, you’re going to come inside. We’re going to sit down at the table. And we’re going to discuss this, like adults. And when we’re done I have every confidence that you’re going to realize that your trip here today was a mistake, and that you actually do want to take the job, and you thinking that you don’t is simply foolish, silly girl prattle.” He jabbed a finger at me. “Now get your fucking ass inside.”
My mouth had gone so dry at his stern tone of voice that for a moment I could barely speak. I cleared my throat, trying to find words, any words, to show that he hadn’t shocked me into utter silence. It didn’t help that as dry as my mouth was, my pussy was exactly the opposite.