Page 38 of His Property
The sound I was hearing… was a vibrator.
Ever so slowly, I turned the knob and eased the door open, warm air whispering out of the crack. I stood there for a moment, simply listening. The last thing I wanted to do was walk in on her while she was taking a shower—or something even more private.
But it became immediately clear that that was not exactly what she was engaged in.
I opened the door further and found her. The toilet was directly opposite the door, the big jetted tub to its right, while on the left hand side stretched the double marble vanity. For a moment I couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing—Lola sprawled sitting atop the toilet, a big black cordless Hitachi in her hand, the thick rounded end pressed to her clit. Her panties were tangled, stretching between her legs just below her knees. The air in the room was thick with the smell of pussy.
Her eyes were closed, her mouth hanging open. She had worked her bra down underneath the swells of her breasts, both of them projecting through the opening in her bodice, the fingers of her right hand pulling and pinching her nipples. I simply watched her for a minute or two, marveling at the fact she had no idea I was even there. Then my irritation began to rise, that once again she was caught completely unaware of my presence.
And unlike last time she was doing something sheknewI was not going to approve of. She was playing with her pussy, on the clock! That was bad enough. But the fact that she still considered it hers to play with whenever she wanted to…thatactually bothered me more than her extracurricular activities during work hours.
It was a huge step, a turning point, and even then at the last second I paused, pondering what might happen if I went through with this. My cock was already an iron bar in my slacks, throbbing and urgent, needing to finally get the satisfaction that it had been waiting for so very long. I was done waiting.
“What thehelldo you think you’re doing?”
Her shriek was so high pitched, I struggled not to burst into laughter. The vibrator dropped to the tile floor and she scrambled up from the toilet, yanking her panties back into place, her breasts bobbing and bouncing as she did. Her face was flushed, as was her chest, her mouth hanging open. Her hair was a crazed mess.
“Oh, my God, I’m… I’m so sorry!” She held out her hands as if to implore me, and for a moment I considered just backing out of the room. She’d probably been embarrassed enough as it was. But the smell of her pussy, the quick glimpse of that sable pubic hair, the wine-dark nipples. It was too much.
I advanced on her in three steps and she backed up instinctively, tripping on the toilet and falling back onto the lid. I submerged my hands into the hair at the top of her head, then hauled her up to her feet. She squawked, grabbing hold of my arm, but the resistance was only for show. Her eyes were wide, watching me closely.
“Of all the things I thought I’d see you up to, Lola, playing with your cunt is definitely not one of them. So, we’re going to take care of that problem right now. I told you that if you disobeyed me again, you’d be corrected. Do you think that playing with your pussy on my dime is what you’d call obeying me?”
“Mr. Winters, sir, I’m really sorry. I know I shouldn’t have been doing that. I don’t know what—oh,God—what came over me.”
“Doesn’t really matter at this point, does it, Lola?” I spun her to the side, facing the tub. “Get on your knees, right now.”
Her gaze snapped up to mine as she looked over her shoulder. “What are you… what are you doing?”
“Correcting you, Ms. Grant. Now, get on your knees, or I’ll have to put you there myself. And you won’t like that.”
“Okay…” She lowered herself to the tile, one of her heels slipping off.
I crouched down next to her and removed her other heel, tossing both of her shoes behind me where they clattered against the tile, then hit the base of the door.
“Bend over the side of the tub. I want your head down, and your ass up.”
For a heartbeat, she twisted against the grip of my fist in her hair, and I wondered if she was contemplating resisting. “Lola, you knew this would happen to you if you did not follow my directions. So, you’re going to be punished. I’m not going to hurt you. But your ass is getting a spanking.”
With a pitiful sound of resignation, she reluctantly obeyed, bending over until her head rested against her forearm near the base of the tub.
I took a moment to admire the roundness of her ass, then I hooked my fingers in the rear waistband of her panties and tore them away, the sound of rending fabric harsh in the close confines of the bathroom. She gasped loudly, but made no attempt to do anything else to resist.
“Now, judging by how wet your cunt is, I’d say either you’ve been up here doing this for a while, or you’re even more of a slut that I thought you were.” I gave her right buttock a light slap. “Which is it, Lola? Are you a slut? Do you think it’s okay for someone to be up here jilling off on the clock?”
“No, sir, I don’t think that it’s okay at all.” Her voice dripped with misery. I knew she was embarrassed, and that only turned me on more. Only one other woman had ever had this kind of effect on me, and I thought she was a once in a lifetime thing.
Apparently, I’d been wrong. But now was no time to think about that.
“Then it’s right that you be spanked for this, isn’t it?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“Are you sayingno, Lola? Because the only way you’re getting out of this is if you end this right now, and quit your job.” I waited for her to respond, silently praying she wouldn’t be stupid enough to actually go through with it. This was a sweet deal, and she knew it. Getting her ass beat now and then was a relatively modest price to pay for what she stood to earn.
“No.” She took a deep, shaky breath. “No, sir.”
Curious, I paused, dropping to one knee behind her, my hand still submerged in her hair, keeping her in place. I caressed her right bottom cheek then eased it away from its twin, exposing her cleft.